Two-terville!!! I MADE IT!!!
Just had to celebrate...I made it...I weighed this morning - my scale is kinda weird - though it is digital - so I weigh until I get three of the same...this morning it was 298.5. Though there wasn't a lot of variance...I got 301 once...all other five readings were UNDER 300!! I got 298 once 299 once, and the rest 298.5!!!! SO...I am under 300 FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Jill! Thanks! I am proud of me too! And glad I can be a motivator! That's a good thing.
How are you feeling? When are you going in for your ultrasound? You'll have to let me know how that goes.
My next goal is to get under 290 before surgery - though I'd like to be under 280...we'll just have to see how far out my surgery will be scheduled for that to happen.
Oh I am feeling ok I guess, I have to start calling and harassing ultrasound tomorrow and then get an apt at obgyn for the results. This damn cyst is causing me quite a bit of pain though and bummin me out. I just hope I can get all of this accomplished this week cause I am supposed to do my pre op stuff on the 29th!!! I really don't want the surg to be delayed.
That's wonderful, Annie - congratulations!!!! That has got to feel so good for you!! And now tomorrow you get your date - what exciting times...
I had such a nice time on Saturday visiting with you and getting to meet CIndy... Thanks so much for all your work on getting the info for the library. Keep us all posted on the dates and times for the next get-togethers.
Let us all know your surgery date tomorrow! My prayers will be with you for a date that is soon!! :)