Alright...well I just have to vent a little...I'm feeling kinda down...ok quite a lot.
For some reason, friendships have been really difficult for me in last few years...well mainly since Adam joined the military...then last summer we finally got some new neighbors and I went and met them - which was really hard for me to do...I almost threw up before I did it. I don't know how and when it got this hard to reach out and meet people, but somewhere along the line it did.
All through high school and college I had tons of friends. I wasn't popular by any means (I was always overweight...and you can't be popular and overweight), but I still always had friends. There was always someone I could hang out with or go do something with. But the last six years...not so much.
Anyway, I finally met this lady...and we totally clicked! I was so happy to finally have a friend...and so was she...we even both talked about how we hadn't had a friend in a long time. Our husbands got along. And some of the funnest memories I have of last summer was when they all came over for dinner and we all just hung out and had fun. We spent hours in the back yard playing with the kids. It was great. We even drove to Seaside, Oregon one day...packed a cooler and went to the was both her and her daughter's first time to EVER see the ocean!!
Anyway, fast forward to a couple of months ago...all of a sudden she stopped coming over, and she didn't seem to interested when I went over to her house. I could feel she was more distant with me. I didn't understand why. Then one day she mentioned her new friend. I had invited her and her daughter to go to the zoo with us in a couple of days (I have the pass where three people can come free each time we go). She said she couldn't because she goes over to Kathy's house everyday from 1-4 for coffee while their kids play. SO that was kind of when I knew that I was out of the loop on this friendship thing.
So fast forward to now...well last weekend...It was really bothering me, because I didn't know what I had done...obviously something was wrong in our I mustered the courage to ask her...let me tell ya...I bawled and bawled before doing this.
So I asked her, "Did I do something to offend you? Because we used to be such great friends. I really valued our friendship. And last time I talked to you, I told you I missed hanging out with you and you just kind of giggled and didn't respond, which told me you didn't miss hanging out with me."
She said, "It's not you. It's just that I wanted to branch out and see what's out there." So I was talking to my husband about this conversation. I told him that I asked her what she's been up to since she's been doing other things...she told me, "well I have been hanging out with Kathy and I've met lots of people through her. We all get together. and I've been going to the Escape zone." for those of you who don't know, it's a play thing for kids here on McChord - twice a day monday through friday they have it.
My husband said, "That's branching out??" You know, I have to doesn't really seem like it's branching out. Especially since I had invited her to come to the Escape Zone with me before.
But my thinking is...if we WERE such good friends, then why didn't she want to do those things with me? Why didn't she invite me to meet Kathy? Why...because I am not really her friend anymore. That's why. I was a friend of convenience...and I am no longer I get chucked to the curb just like garbage.
I know it says more about HER than it does about ME...but it's hard. It hurts. And I'm feeling all alone here - living on base and not knowing anyone around me. I can't wait until we can all get together, and I can get to know some of you guys better. At least I won't wonder if you guys are judging me because I'm fat.
Anyway, thanks for letting me rant and vent...
High 315 / Post-Op 309.2 / Current 149