want to try getting approved in canada, and possibly need a surgeon down there..
Hi I don't have an answer to you question but I wanted to tell you to keep looking here and maybe on the oregon board ( if that is not too far away) you might post on the main forum also, I know there are a lot of washington people here but this board is a little slow. They might see it faster on the main board.
Good luck in you quest!
Good luck in you quest!
actually believe it or not y'all... last night my husband said 'don't worry, i'll take out a loan for the 10 grand for you'... oh sniff sniff, isn't he just the sweetest man???? i love him soooo. and it looks like i'll be self pay off to mexico afterall! thanks for your help!!! i love it here...
Puget Sound Surgical Center has locations in Edmonds and Bellingham. It works great if you are in Canada because you can have surgery in Bellingham if it is outpatient or Edmonds if it needs to be inpatient, and you can have all of your follow-up appointments just across the border in Bellingham.
We have 3 great surgeons. Dr. Billing, Dr. Landerholm, and Dr. Landers.