My date... not yet...
Any how you all know I was hoping to get my date today, I met the surgeon talked to him for a while and decided he's not the one for me. I didn't feel like he had enough experience doing lap surg for me to be comfortable with him. So I have another appt with Dr.Sebesta on the 28th. He had done a larger amount of surgerys so I hope I like him and that he has a cancellation in his schedule so I can get in sooner. LOL I am just suffering from no date let down... boo hoo... Oh well I am the one who chose to wait for another Dr I could have went with this guy but it just didn't feel right. Have a nice day I am off to my 2nd job!!
Since you mention Dr. Sebesta, I am assuming you're having it done at Madigan? May I ask who you saw that you didn't feel that comfortable with? I'm doing my Pathway classes right now (have my last one on Wednesday).
It's a bummer that you have to wait longer to get your date, but it's important you have a surgeon you like and feel comfortable with.
Annie, Shelly I don't want to post the Dr.s name on the board and accidentally turn someone away from what could be the best dr for them. I think part of the problem was that madigan had me as a band candidate not a Lap RGB and I think that is where this dr.s focus is. I can tell you that he told me that Dr. Sebesta and Rouch(sp) were the best Lap RGB drs if that helps. But they are harder to get to see= longer wait. All I can say is follow your feelings and ask lots of questions, yes this is an ARMY hosp but you don't have to work with a surgeon you aren't comfy with. If you still feel like you want to know PM me and I will let you know that way.