Good! I NEEDED that laugh! Just got rear-ended and hit the car in front of me. Five cars involved I was near the front. My freakin' band is now tight and my chest hurts. Add insult to injury -- I'm getting ready to leave for Pittsburgh, PA then on to Vegas on Thursday and I simply CAN'T be sick -- and my restriction has been PERFECT since January. I don't want anything to screw it up...
Well, I guess it could have been much worse. Now its for the insurance to figure out. Of course I had to hit a brand new Lexus in my dinky Honda CRV... My knee kinda hurts again but so far just some chest pain (seat belt or band, who knows, but I'm sure time will tell). Car's battered a bit so it'll have to be looked at once I get back.
And how is your week, lol! See, told you I NEEDED that laugh!