One of the strangest things I went through in my early post-op days was this belief that I was still hungry. I couldn't figure it out and also thought perhaps my stomach was left too large. I kept feeling a little weak, a little light headed, my stomach made growling noises.
What I eventually came to discover was that this wasn't really was THIRST. Somehow through all the rewiring, my brain began to interpret signals differently and that made a world of difference.
No, you're not destined for failure. Not at all. You've been given the tools to succeed, it's just a question of mindset. You may be able to eat more than a couple of ounces...but you don't necessarily *have* to. I think we all went through this desire to push and test to see how far we can go, I certainly did. But don't keep doubting yourself and testing and'll just make yourself crazy.
Yes, you're on a perennial diet, my friend. For the rest of your life. But "diet" simply means a specific (and perhaps modified) selection of foods that you choose to eat for your health and well-being. It's not a punishment and try not to look at it as a lifetime of's a lifetime of freedom and all that you have to do is slowly make some modifications. Give yourself time - you didn't get to your former weight overnight, you're not going to be able to change your entire lifestyle just as fast. It's a slow evolution but you'll get there.
You're absolutely not destined for failure - quite the opposite!
BPD/DS Dr. Peters
Nov. 2002 335/50 BMI
Jan. 2018 143/21 BMI