Have 2 insurances but neither cover WLS at all/private pay?
Karen C
I looked at the law online. I have he requisite co-morbidities, no problem there. Last year my family of 3 had an income of just over 20K so I think we might qualify for the financial side...
I ordered the packet from Rockwood clinic - I cant wait for it to arrive. they have information meetings so I will go to one of those and find out if I need to apply for DSHS first, or if they take care of that for me. thanks!
Thanks for your note, Kathy. I saw my MD yesterday and he told me to just let him know when I wanted to do this as all is in place. My husband and I want to go to the hospital and talk with them first because being private pay we have heard from the Dr and other patients that you can sometimes meet with them and talk about the "bill" and if you are cash or private pay they may reduce the cost. So, again thanks for all of the info, it was very helpful. I am thinking about September. Congratulations on your hard work!!!