Anyone have preop diet ideas
Hi Amy,
Congratulations on getting your journey started, I hope it all goes very smoothly for you. Do you get FitTv? On that channel is a good show called Blaines Low Carb Kitchen and I have gotten several good post-op ideas from it. Here is a link to his recipe section: tml It gives the carb counts and a lot of different meal ideas, hope you can find something that looks tasty. Good luck with the pre-op diet! Molly
I love that site and that network! Got to know it pretty well the 8 weeks I was off work from surgery. (my job is heavy, heavy physical labor and I banked up a lot of time off for surgery!) Some of his recipes are too high in fat for bypass patients but can easily be adapted and I am going to try his soy alternative for a sandwich wrap since I am voluntarily not eating breads anymore.
Wow...the 25th is coming closer. I'm so excited for you!!! Would you consider eating any babyfood meats when you are in your puree phase? They aren't bad with some sorts of sauce added and I have extra that I'd be happy to bring to the next meeting to give you. ??? They are just too liquidy to hold me for any length of time now and I'd rather they go to another patient. Food drives won't take them since they are in glass jars and frankly...those glass jars are wonderful for helping you with post-op portion control. I'm STILL eating out of mine.
Hello! Thanks again for the insight. It is always nice to know what to expect especially with someone who has the same dr. doing the procedure. I am so excited, but nervouse to hear back from the insurance....I am trying to stay positive though. I've been doing pretty good this week with the pre-op diet so I am anxious to see how much weight I can lose in the next 3-4 weeks. 50 pounds for you....that is awesome! : ) Have a nice day, it's great talking with you. You sound really motivated!
Talk to you soon.