I'm wondering how you get the Dr's to take you seriously when you say you are having problems? My surgery was in 03 in Reno, NV. I moved here in 05. Lost about 75 lbs and then it stopped completely.
I think there is a problem but cannot seem to get the Rockwood family practice docs to refer me to one of the Bariatric guys. How on earth does one get this done?
Sus in Spokane
What Lori said!!!
Be prepared for a long process once you finally get in to see the Bariatric dr's. They seem to not like doing revision cases...can you blame them? I can't. The way I got in to see Dr. Rawlins was that I'd had years of documented stomach pain with no resolution and the base wanted me to see my old surgeon but I insisted on the Rockwood practice. Just to get to that point I had to have an EGD done in the valley first. Last year I had so many tests, more than in my whole life I think. But the end results were great so don't give up hope, just dig your heels in and be insistent.
Molly...6 days post-op revision!