WISH Center
I did email you her email address, unsure about privacy, and all that, but then got to thinking..wait a sec, this goes beyond that.
Jennene's email address is: [email protected]
Good luck and let's work together through this!
I was contacted by Seattle times today, they are following this story closely and are really focusing on the corporate level. Carol would love to talk to anyone...here is the email she sent me.
Hi, Jennifer,
Here's my contact info. I'm hoping to talk with patients who have been left in the lurch by the Wish Center closure. I want to do a follow-up story to the one I did in Friday's paper, focusing on what happens to patients when corporate investors suddenly shut down a clinic -- how do patients get their money back, their records, how do they get post-op care?
That's my direct desk phone, and I'm usually around from 10 a.m to 6 p.m. or so.
Carol M. Ostrom
Staff reporter, health team
The Seattle Times
PO Box 70, Seattle, WA 98111
Phone: 206-464-2249
Fax: 206-464-2261
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.seattletimes.com