THANK YOU SO MUCH ... from Aunt Pam
You will never know how much your thoughts, prayers, and emails have meant to me over the last weeks. I had a tough time in the hospital and spent too long in ICU. I came home and continue to go slowly to encourage my healing. I have a visiting nurse come twice a week who is a lifesaver. I think my disability is slowing down my progress, but I am feeling ever so much better. I have not weighed so I have nothing to report of my loss, but I am compliant in my food intake. I see my doctor the first week in September.
I am hoping so much to prepare my self to travel to see my sister, she is really having trouble with her cancer and I need to visit her.
Thanks again for all your thoughs........ you have helped in my recovery more than you could ever know!
Love, Aunt Pam
Pam , I am sorry that you had such a rough time . I sure hope you are on the road to a steady recovery now . I'm glad you're feeling better , now . You had major surgery , so it'll take time for you to recover completely . Where does your sister live ? I hope everything will be okay . I'm sure you will make her feel better . Take care . Kathy
Soooooooo good to see you smilin' face! Been watching for you to post. Glad to hear you are doing better.
I am so sorry to hear of your sister. This has got to be hard for you. Where does your sister live? Is it a long trip? Our prayer are with you and your sister both.
Keep us posted in the days to come.