UPDATE: Pam (Aunt Pam) Giecek/ Thoughts From Her Daughter
Thank you everyone for caring!
Around 5am, someone will be coming in the ICU to see Pam and plan to wake her to see if she can breathe on her own. I will continue to post her progress.
Please keep praying and sending hospital e-mails to Pam Giecek (Aunt Pam) and her family. It is much appreciated.
Hosptial Patient Email Service: https://www.overlakehospital.org/patientsvisitors/sendemail/default.aspx
Below are thoughts written by RODLEEN, Pam Giecek's daughter, sent to me tonight, 8/03/06
Posted with her permission.
She is a goddess, my mother full of love.
She transitions through to her new life hereon earth.
Her will is to succeed.
Tomorrow she breathes.
In her I believe.