Recent Posts
Topic: TV Show Starved
The media department at is interested in finding out what our members feelings are about the new FX tv show titled Starved, which airs Thursday nights at 10 p.m. Do you take offense to the dialogue about four friends dealing with their individual eating disorders or do you find it funny? Please respond to this post telling us what you think.
Ronda Einbinder
Public Relations Manager :type:
Ronda Einbinder
Public Relations Manager :type:
Topic: RE: Support Groups????
Hi Betty,
Not sure of any groups. Just moved here from CT. I would also be interested.
Topic: appeal letter for cigna
the night before my surgury cigna denied me. don't ask me why it took them that long(they knew about it for 6 months) but i was wondering if this has happened to anyone else and if so do you have an appeal letter you wrote them to get them to change there mind.thanks....scott
Topic: OH Chapter support group meeting tonight!
Support Group Meeting for leaders
If you are a Chapter leader or leader in training - please join us -
call into this number 800-977-8002
code number: 010547#
Hope to hear you there.
If you are a Chapter leader or leader in training - please join us -
call into this number 800-977-8002
code number: 010547#
Hope to hear you there.
Topic: Walk From Obesity?
All right who is up to the challenge??
Who has not heard about the Walk From Obesity??
If not check it out,
This is an amazing cause to help educate, support, and research obesity. We can make a difference. Not only that, but it gets us active. Now for those who still can't walk far, it's not about the distance you walk, it's about gathering for a good cause and supporting one another.
Just over a year ago I would have never done something like this. I'm going to be working with the group in Columbia, Sc. There are 70 walks all over the US and OH needs members who would be interested in representing us in these walks. Some slots are already filled, but if you would be interested in volunteering your time please email me [email protected]
Anyone else, I hope you will join us in walking for a good cause. To be in the walk is $25, you get a t-shirt, and fellowship. What else can you ask for, so I challenge you to sign up today in your area.
Ps. It doesn't matter what city you decide to walk in, we are ALL walking together on September 24th.
Who has not heard about the Walk From Obesity??
If not check it out,
This is an amazing cause to help educate, support, and research obesity. We can make a difference. Not only that, but it gets us active. Now for those who still can't walk far, it's not about the distance you walk, it's about gathering for a good cause and supporting one another.
Just over a year ago I would have never done something like this. I'm going to be working with the group in Columbia, Sc. There are 70 walks all over the US and OH needs members who would be interested in representing us in these walks. Some slots are already filled, but if you would be interested in volunteering your time please email me [email protected]
Anyone else, I hope you will join us in walking for a good cause. To be in the walk is $25, you get a t-shirt, and fellowship. What else can you ask for, so I challenge you to sign up today in your area.
Ps. It doesn't matter what city you decide to walk in, we are ALL walking together on September 24th.
Topic: research
I am a graduate nursing student pursuing my master's degree. I am currently enrolled in a nursing research class and am doing a pilot study on weight loss survery. I am looking for volunteers who would be willing to fill out a short survery. If you are interested please contact me via e-mail and i will send you more information and the survey. This is confidential and anonymous. Thank you for your help.
Topic: RE: anyone from Vermont
Hi... Good to hear from you. I have lost around 150 pounds and waiting for plastics. Have been for a consultation and now the waiting process. Seems like I am always waiting. Good weight loss
I feel a lot better but have had a lot of complications but try to over come them. Have a good day, Betty

Topic: RE: anyone from Vermont
I knew that I wasn't the only one....I'm 8 months out and have lost 111 pounds...Boy do I feel better! Allee
Topic: RE: anyone from Vermont
Hi from one north east kingdon wl patient to another. Had my surgery in Burlington. Betty