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According to the news and the PA at the surgeon's office where I *had* an appointment for next week, on February 21st the announcement was made that "Medicare would cover some procedures only at hospitals considered "centers for excellence" by the American College of Surgeons and the American Society for Bariatric Surgery." Hospitals were given no time to apply for certification from either organization.
We ALL need to contact our federal congressmen and senators about this. The more he11 we raise, the more likely it is the rule will be reversed or revised. Here are some things to point out in your communication (preferably by phone):
1. There was no notice given for this ruling. Hospitals should have had time to apply for certification.
2. Obesity is a life-threatening disease and this ruling has dramatically reduced the facilities available to perform bariatric surgery for months to come.
3. Waivers ARE available and you should urge your politicians to push for a waiver for your particular hospital.
Here's the list of US Senators. Just find yours and slam them with emails & phone calls:
Here's the list of Congressmen. Ditto above:
Topic: HB Zilbilla Sylvia!

The Birthday Patrol is here to honor our very own:

Christine Wolfe-Elliott of Camp Springs, MD

Delilah Patterson of Gadsden, AL

Fran Soonslim of Northeast, IN

Lisa Garzona of Holbrook, NY

Margaret Daggs of Las Vegas, NV

Melissa Smith of Akron, OH

Ronda Collins of Newcomb, TN

Samantha A of Somewhere, MD

Slim Goody of Maple Hts, OH

Zibilla Sylvia of Hartland, VT


God bless you and may all your wishes come true!!

& {{{HUGS}}} &
Melissa Mermaid & All Your AMOS Pals
P.S. The Birthday Patrol celebrates your real birthday (not surgery anniversary dates). This way EVERYONE can participate. Click on "Birthday Patrol" (profile link) to find out how to sign up for the Birthday Patrol. Customarily, ONLY THOSE WHO ACTIVELY SIGN UP FOR BIRTHDAY PATROL ARE ACKNOWLEDGED BY A POST ON THEIR BIRTHDAYS. Please do not feel left out if you don't "sign up" ... There is no other system available to us for gathering this information. Birthday Patrol is NOT an official OH project.
P.P.S. VERY IMPORTANT: If you have ALREADY REGISTERED for "Birthday Patrol," please double-check the list in about a week after submitting to make sure you're on it; the computer has not always been kind!

Topic: Clothing needed for Ohio family.
I have been so busy trying to get this Extreme makeover home invasion pulled together for my friend Patty that I am plum tuckered out. If anyone is interested in helping with some gently used items for this needy family it would certainly be appreciated. Patty is my neighbor *****cently lost her funding for home health care, and a home health aid. She is homebound and super morbidly obese and can no longer move around. She is responsible for caring for her adult mentally retarded brother and is having real difficulties doing so. I have been working with all my gastric bypass support groups to collect size 6 x women's clothing and size 55 jeans and 3 x shirts for her brother Leonard. They are in desperate need of gently used towels, wash clothes, dish clothes, and personal care items. Baby wipes and Gold bond powder. Toothpaste, shampoo and toothbrushes as well. Since becoming homebound Patty has gotten very depressed and suffers greatly from celulitis and chronic severe lymphadema . I have been helping as much as I can by doing her grocery shopping, cleaning, and laundry. When I was doing their laundry that is when I discovered that all of their clothes were stained badly and torn apart. Even at this size, these people deserve the dignity of having decent clothing on their bodies. They are unable to afford personal care items like shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, Laundry soap, bath soap etc. They are both in need of undergarments and socks. Patty wears size 6 x and Leonard wears size 55 jeans and size 3 x crew neck T shirts. Since they are homebound any magazines, paperback books, Music CDs and used DVD's would be greatly appreciated. Next Saturday March the I have arranged for a group of volunteers to help deliver these items, and we will clean their home from top to bottom. I have a local beautician who will give them both haircuts, manicures and a day of beauty treatments while we are busy scrubbing and doing laundry etc. I am feeling so blessed by being able to do this for this wonderful dear lady. She is just my age and suffering so badly. I wish that I could convince her to look into gastric bypass surgery, but that has to be her choice. I guess what I am trying to do by "project Patty" is to show her the kindness of complete strangers and that people care about her.and that with the love and support that she can return to life outside of her living room again.
I thank you all for listening and hope that you can help by sending any items that you can find around the house that they might be able to use. If you are interested in helping or just sending a card of encouragement please write and ask for my home address. Please pass this information along to anyone who might have gently used items to contribute to help make this project a huge success. If you are interested in being on the cleaning crew please contact me as soon as possible We need all the hands and strong able bodies we can get to help with some spring cleaning and delivering the clothing etc. We are also in need of someone who knows how to hook up a dvd/vcr player up to an older television set. Thank you all for your help. I knew I could count on you to help make this happen.
Lots of Love and Hugs,
I thank you all for your help.
Topic: Letter of Medical Necessity for Plastic Surgery
ObesityHelp is looking for sample Letters of Medical Necessity for Plastic Surgery....If you have written a letter that has been successful in obtaining insurance coverage for your plastic surgery and you wish to help others, please email your letters to: [email protected]
With your permisssion, your letter may be used on ObesityHelp or in one of our publications. (Please indicate if you wish to remain anonymous.)
All my best,
Tammy Colter
Director of Media & PR
ObesityHelp is looking for sample Letters of Medical Necessity for Plastic Surgery....If you have written a letter that has been successful in obtaining insurance coverage for your plastic surgery and you wish to help others, please email your letters to: [email protected]
With your permisssion, your letter may be used on ObesityHelp or in one of our publications. (Please indicate if you wish to remain anonymous.)
All my best,
Tammy Colter
Director of Media & PR
Topic: Before and After Photos Needed
We are looking for before and after photos of post op patients. These photos will be used both in future issues of OH Magazine and in a commercial. If you have some photos you would like to share, please email them to [email protected]. Please include your name, phone number, email address and what you weighed when each photo was taken.
Ronda Einbinder
Public Relations :type:
Ronda Einbinder
Public Relations :type:
Topic: Seven Secrets to Successful Weight loss
Do you look at the before and after pictures of others who have had WLS and wonder if the surgery will work for you? Dr. Lawrence W. Smith tells OH readers how to build a supportive team and to be clear about why they had surgery among other very helpful tips. This article plus photos from the OH Costa Mesa event; cardiorespiratory training; and how to select the right bariatric surgery center are all featured in the latest issue of OH Magazine, which focuses on nutrition for a healthy lifestyle. If you are already a subscriber, tell us which article you found the most interesting or helpful to you. If you have not subscribed yet, it is easy to do. You can log onto or call toll free 1-866-297-4966. You will receive a one year bimonthly subscription for only $25. And remember, if your doctor is not a subscriber pass the word on to his office staff.
Ronda Einbinder
Public Relations/Staff Writer :type:
Ronda Einbinder
Public Relations/Staff Writer :type:
Topic: MTV update on Local CBS
Here's a link to the news story follow up from MTV on my local CBS news channel, many people have asked about it and have been wanting an update.
On the right column you can see the video streams, click on the link to view the video.
I wanted to take a moment also to let everyone here know how much you've meant to me over the years. :kiss:
On the right column you can see the video streams, click on the link to view the video.
I wanted to take a moment also to let everyone here know how much you've meant to me over the years. :kiss:
Topic: RE: BMI over 60
Hi Jennifer - I am also from Rutland, well Florence actually. I had surgery last June. My BMI was 45 I believe, I don't know about 65 but I will tell you that you may die by not having the surgery verses dieing while having it. Just a thought. If I can answer any questions for you I will. I had LAP RNY in Boston.
Good Luck!
Topic: Have you tried True Lemon?
Over the past few weeks True Lemon has been sending out many of their product samples. If you have received or have used the product in the past, take a moment to give your review. You can do this by going to this link:
Then click on at the top
Help us out! - Do YOU know anything about this product? If so, please add your review here. Just click here to log into your profile system and post under 'Review Products' once logged in then located "Grand Brand True Lemon". The more you contribute, the better our community will benefit.
Appreciate all those who participated.
Amy Williams
Member Services
Then click on at the top
Help us out! - Do YOU know anything about this product? If so, please add your review here. Just click here to log into your profile system and post under 'Review Products' once logged in then located "Grand Brand True Lemon". The more you contribute, the better our community will benefit.
Appreciate all those who participated.
Amy Williams
Member Services