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Hello Vermont OH-ers!
I am from PA and the Over Fifty boards. My family is coming to VT within the week..Wilmington area...and would love any suggestions from you about things to see/do and good restaurants. We don't mind going about an hour away per day for something interesting. I have a 13 year old son who will be with us. Any suggestions?? We will have a laptop with us, so I will check back daily.
Thank you for any help you can offer!!
Hugs, Lora
ObesityHelp and Dr. Trace Curry's team at the Center For Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery are excited to provide the community with some great information about one of the newest weight loss surgery procedures, the Realize Band.
The Realize Band Forum provides you with general information about the Realize Band procedure, as well as specific information about insurance approval, diet and nutrition, choosing a Realize Band surgeon, and answers to some of the most frequently asked Realize Band questions. You can also Ask Dr. Curry questions and interact with your peers on the Realize Band Messagboard!
Check out all of the following resources in the Realize Band Forum:
- Realize Band - What Every Patient Should Know About Insurance Approval
- Realize Band Diet and Nutrition
Jeremy Gentles, MA, CSCS
ObesityHelp Exercise Physiologist
It was magic when she realized who she had become...
Highest Pre-op right after Surgery Current Goal
236 213 219 140 130
96 lbs lost and gone forever!! To God goes the Glory!
Finally it moved!
Since MA is close to the central state - the Get Together will likely be in Central Mass.
Post Date: 4/26/08 2:02 pm
Last Edit: 4/26/08 7:15 pm
Okay - so I put the idea out on another thread - but I wanted to actually go ahead and take the jump and start to organize this. I've helped put some get togethers 'together' on other sites before and I'd *love* to do one again! .. I've editted the title so there's no question that I'd love to include the surrounding areas as well.
I'd love to hear everyone's ideas and thoughts. I'm thinking the beginning of June so we all have time to plan. We can decide between June 7th and June 14th and have everyone vote on what day will work best. Unforunately it always happens that some can't make it on a certain day - but that's why we organize more than one of these! .. Who knows - maybe a monthly thing!! :)
We can bring all kinds of healthy foods - from liquids, to mushies, to solids so everyone will have something. We could do it potluck style as long as that's all right with everyone.
Amy had suggested a State Park or another large outdoor area which I think is great! .. We may want to make sure we use a place with some covered eating areas just in case of rain. :)
Oh and of course - family and kids are welcome! .. We can set up a few games and such for the kids and that way we don't need to worry about babysitting problems. (unless others believe it should be only adults)
So .. questions for you! ..
Who's for this???
What do you want to bring???
Do you like June 7th or June 14th???
What city do you live in??? (I'll try my best to find something around the middle for everyone).
How many people would you bring??? Kids? Hubby? Wifey? Significant Other? Family?
My answers:
Yeck yay I'm for this!! :)
Hm, I'm not a great cook, so some cheese, meats, and crackers ??
I'm open for both date - but would say June 7th - it's closer.

Live in Winchester, MA
It would be me and Hubby.
I am a Lightweight. I am only one of many others like me. Together, we are a team. Though our journeys and choices may be different, we are bonded together by the commonality of being Lightweights and the strategies, successes and struggles that entails. It is this bond that defines this board.
I began my journey with a BMI of less than 45 and/or with less than 150 lbs excess weight. My lower BMI and excess weight does in no way make me less deserving of medical intervention, and I should not be made to feel inferior or guilty.
I qualified for WLS because I have co-morbidities, or because my medical history proves that my weight is diet and exercise resistant.
I have worked with my healthcare team to determine the best surgical option for me. I am confident that others have done so as well, so I will refrain from passing judgments.
I will freely share the most accurate information I have, as well as my own personal journey and why I chose my surgery in an informative, educational and respectful way so that others may learn from my experiences.
I respect the decisions of my fellow Lightweights, regardless of the surgery they chose and the nutritional/exercise plans they follow.
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I will always be sensitive, honest and respectful when contributing to discussions on this board and in my PMs. I will never flame, demean, invalidate or harass others for their questions or decisions. I will remember, at all times, the difficulties and pain I went through on my own journey and be considerate of others when discussing theirs.
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