Hi everyone, I wanted to share with you all that I have my surgery date and I can't wait. It is scheduled for Wednesday, December 6th. My pre-op appointment is scheduled for November 28...wi**** was today.
My weight is just around 380 pounds...I've lost about 15 since my last appointment and my sugars have finally come down...this morning it was 98 the lowest it's been in 5 years.
Tell me, what should I be expecting at my pre-op appointment and what does Dr. Spaulding do the day of the surgery? I think she is really and Deborah her PA is just great to work with.
Hi everyone,
I had my pre-op yesterday and everything is a go for the 6th of December. I can't wait. I told Laurie Spaulding if someone backs out at the last minute to let me know I'm only 5 minutes away. She laughed...I was serious. The sooner I get this done, the better I'll be.
Laurie is going to do a revision on me and she has decided not to take my stomach out since I've not had any more bleeding from my uclers since we began this process about 10 months ago. There is a growth however in my intestines she needs to look at and if needed it's going to be cut out along with my gall bladder. Who needs the gall bladder anyway.
Can you tell I'm so excited to be having this. It's the start of a new I can't wait to begin.
Good luck to all of you who are also having the operation. You are all in my prayers.
I'm going to the support group on Tuesday, December 5th the night before my operation just to talk to others who've had it done and get the last minute update as to what I can expect.
Thanks to Laurie...I'll be a new man come December 6th!
My insurance has approved me so everything is set for Wednesday. I can't wait to get it over with. I had to pay my Cobra in order for them to ok the operation but I did it even though I couldn't afford it. My life is what's more important than money so I decided to go ahead and make the payment.
I am going to get this done no matter what.
Thanks everyone for you best wishes. I can tell you the waiting time is getting to me. I wish I was scheduled for Monday but I have to wait, I know.
Andrea, good luck with Dr. Spaulding. She is a wonderful person and everything she may ask of you is only because she is worried about you the person. I've been waiting for about 10 to 11 months now and had scope after scope done but now she's ready and so am I. Keep really good records to the dietican because she does review everything. Since I had this done 15 years ago I can only eat so much and there was a problem because I couldn't eat enough food but I'm taking protein now in my drinks so she ok'd it for me.
3 Days to go...and I am counting!
Hi Herbert,
Thanks for your message and for passing on the tip to about keeping really good records for the dietician. I'm glad things are working out for you. I was wondering if there is a support group in Vermont. Could you please tell me a little more about it? I am searching for such a group. I thought it would be good to meet others who are considering and or have had this surgery. I have a very good friend who is a patient of Laurie Spauldings and he raves about her. I look forward to meeting her.
Good luck on Wednesday. Good idea to go to the support group the night before. Smart...