Heather D.’s Posts

Heather D.
on 3/2/18 12:42 pm
Topic: RE: Whatcha Eating Today VSGers? Friday, March 2, 2018

I didn't notice I was having fast food twice today! That's definitely unusual. My husband worked late last night so I got the grilled KFC and had the leftovers today because grilled KFC is awesome. Then on Fridays we usually have a "treat" - he gets sushi, I get a bunless burger. I'd love some low-carb sushi, but I have yet to figure that one out. Since I've been on keto I definitely eat/cook at home more just so I can keep a close eye on the carbs. I don't mind going out to eat, fast food or otherwise, as long as I really know what I'm eating (as far as macros). And I definitely consider the weight loss since surgery a success! I don't think I'd have been able to have my kids without it.

Heather D.
on 3/2/18 10:56 am
Topic: RE: Whatcha Eating Today VSGers? Friday, March 2, 2018

I'm 9 years post op. I always liked these threads when I was here daily before surgery, so here's mine.

Pre-breakfast: Coffee with heavy whipping cream & liquid sucralose

Breakfast: Leftover grilled chicken breast from KFC (so good)

Lunch: More coffee, eggroll in a bowl (stir fried pork & cabbage w/asian seasoning)

Dinner: Sonic bacon cheeseburger with with pickles, lettuce, tomato, onion - NO bun

Snack: 1/2 of a Lily's salted caramel chocolate bar

Full disclosure: I initially lost 138 lbs with VSG, but after having two kids and lots of Starbucks, my weight crept back up by 24 lbs. I had to put a stop to that! Plus I still want to lose about 50 more so I'm doing a ketogenic (low carb/high fat/moderate protein) way of eating now. I definitely still have restriction, but not as much as the first several years. Since starting keto I've lost the weight I gained back (24 lbs) but I still have more to go.

Heather D.
on 8/10/14 10:26 am, edited 8/10/14 10:26 am
Topic: RE: Whatcha eating today VSGers? Sunday...

B - 1/2 cup 6 grain oat hot cereal with butter & splenda brown sugar

L - 1/2 a grilled chicken pita with tzatziki, a few chips

D - Slowcooker Savory spinach and bean soup (about 3/4 Cup)

Sx3 - Starbucks Caramel Machiatto; 2 graham cracker sheets & 2 Tbsp nutella; 5 Fabe's all natural bakery mini chocolate chip cookies

Heather D.
on 8/10/14 10:20 am
Topic: RE: Horrible acid reflux

Prilosec Complete is aaawesome! I had surgery almost 5 years ago but my reflux has been bad the last couple of years. Then I got pregnant and OMG the reflux was awful. I was popping Tums like candy and my perinatologist suggested Prilosec. Changed my life! I could take ONE and instantly felt better. Now that I'm not pregnant anymore the reflux isn't as horrible, but the Prilosec still works like a dream. (I don't work for Prilosec, but I do love 'em!)

Heather D.
on 10/30/13 11:59 am
Topic: RE: 4 years later: Skin removed and pregnant after PCOS

How cool to see an update from you. I remember you from when I was on the boards a lot way back when. Congrats on the loss, lift and the baby especially! Today is my 4 year surgery anniversary. I was never diagnosed with PCOS but I wasn't able to get pregnant in the 10 or so years before my surgery and it took two years after surgery for me to have my son. Now I'm pregnant with baby #2 (a girl!). Crazy! Anyway, going to check out your videos now. Again, congrats!

Heather D.
on 9/13/13 12:09 pm
Topic: RE: 4 years post-op update (pregnancy after surgery)

Sorry it's taken me so long to reply! Complications... right after surgery I had an infected incision. I had to have it flushed in the ER and packed with gauze for about 6 weeks before it healed on its own. It wasn't fun, but it wasn't the end of the world either. The scar looks just like the others at this point, so it didn't make a huge impact as far as that's concerned.

For the first year, probably, I would frequently miscalculate how much my stomach could hold and ended up overeating. That lead to burping up chewed up bits of food. It was uncomfortable and pretty gross. Thankfully something clicked (physically or mentally, I don't know) and I haven't had that problem for the last few years.

As for long term complications, I have frequent heartburn, reflux and occasional bouts of gastritis (which is painful!) Because of the reflux I have to make sure I don't eat for a few hours before going to bed. Otherwise, un-fun things happen in my sleep. Uck. The gastritis, fortunately, doesn't flare up often. I had some labs done recently and I had no deficiencies as far as vitamins, iron, etc.... except I was a little low on vitamin D, but my doctor said that's normal for about 90% of the pregnant women in her practice, so I wouldn't say that's a surgery-related complication.

Honestly, I just feel totally normal except I still can't eat much... thankfully! And I am at the point that I don't really even miss the volume of food I used to eat. That mental state did seem to take awhile to get to. I'd see something and think, "dammit, I want to eat it but I can't." Now, I know how much I can hold and I just try to plan accordingly.

Good luck with your surgery! I hope everything goes well and I wish you nothing but success!

Heather D.
on 9/6/13 9:41 am
Topic: RE: 4 years post-op update (pregnancy after surgery)

Probably very true! When my son came home from the hospital (he was in the NICU for 11 weeks) I would have to choose between eating and sleeping most of the time... and sleeping always won!

Heather D.
on 9/6/13 5:36 am
Topic: RE: 4 years post-op update (pregnancy after surgery)

I had surgery in October 2009 and since then I've lost (and kept off) 128 lbs (Starting weight was 338!). I was unable to get pregnant for 13 years. I kind of assume I had/have PCOS, but I was never officially diagnosed. But... I did get pregnant in 2011 and had my son in April 2012. Crazy! I noticed during the pregnancy I could eat a little more than I had been able to but I didn't gain much weight. Afterwards I got down to about 190 lbs. Unfortunately when I stopped nursing I gained some back and stopped around 210. I could still eat more than I could before I was pregnant. Honestly that weight gain took me awhile to even notice. (How did I notice, you ask? My underwear kept rolling down. Haha!) When i decided it was time to do something about it... I found out I'm pregnant again. This baby is due in March 2014. I'm nervous (again) and excited (again) and just wish I hadn't waited til I was over 30 to have surgery in the first place.

My food intake is still really restricted. I'm sure I'd have originally lost more weight if it weren't for the debilitating starbucks addiction. That's one thing I know I need to change. I still go for protein first, though a lot of it is in the form of vegetarian meat substitutes. I'm not a vegetarian, but my husband is. I'm just a lazy cook and don't want to make two meals.

So that's what's going on with me. I haven't been here on the boards in a long time, but I know I used to like to see long-term updates on "oldtimers" when I was a newbie or even just considering surgery. So if anyone has any questions, I'd be happy to answer them. Thanks for reading!

Heather D.
on 8/25/12 5:08 am
Topic: RE: Split incision is making me all emo! Help?
I had a majorly infected incision that required packing twice a day for over a month. It was pretty gnarly at the time but now, almost 3 years later, it looks pretty much like the other incisions. It's a little darker and a little deeper, but barely noticeable.

Here's a (crappy) picture of three of my incisions. The one that was infected is on the right. Hope this helps put your mind at ease.

Heather D.
on 3/5/12 1:30 am
Topic: RE: Help! VSG Info. Needed
Immediately following the surgery (still in the clinic): I was uncomfortable laying down - I slept sitting up a lot. Gas pains sucked so I walked as much as possible to try to get rid of them.

Eating after surgery: You might not get as much water and/or protein as you think you should. Don't freak out, just do what you can as you heal. It will get better over time.

Your specific questions:
Is it true that your hair could fall out around 3 months post surgery? Yes, it's true. But it's not as scary as you might think. It's more of a thinning and it comes back eventually. Mine thinned out, but came back curlier than ever, so that's kinda cool.

Is it really possible to lose up to 100 lbs? Yes. I lost 140+, but I weighed more than you when I started. It varies by individual. Try not to compare your loss to others who weighed the same as you at the time of surgery. You'll go crazy if you do. Just focus on your own loss.

How do I keep from looking flabby? Exercise helps, but you could still end up with loose skin. It also depends on your age and the elasticity of your skin. I wish I would've done more (or some) exercise. I have lots of extra skin. I don't really care too much though, because my clothes hide it and I don't plan on wearing a bikini anytime soon.

I can't answer about Dr. Aceves or Fibromyalgia, as I have no experience with either.

Heather D.
on 3/2/12 1:39 am
Topic: RE: WILL I EVER GET THIS????????
Take a deep breath! You will get this. You're only 9 days post-op. Getting in all the water AND all the protein at this point is hard. You and your new stomach have to get to know each other and that could take awhile. Don't stress too much, just focus on healing right now. Just keep sipping tha****er and eat what protein you can. You'll be fine if you don't get every single ounce of protein you think you're supposed to.

You're not failing! You're trying and you're learning how to live in this new situation. It will take awhile before you're healed enough to form the new healthy eating habits that you want. Don't try to force yourself into them, just do/eat/drink what you can, when you can. It will get easier!

Heather D.
on 2/27/12 6:25 am
Topic: RE: Can we talk food and the time of day?
On February 27, 2012 at 2:23 PM Pacific Time, melz1974 wrote:
I'm so glad you asked this!   I'm scared of this very thing!  I work swing shift so my schedule changes weekly.  After I get my surgery, should I eat around my schedule? or should I eat at "normal" meal times?
I would eat when it's convenient for you and when you are hungry.

Heather D.
on 2/27/12 6:24 am
Topic: RE: Can we talk food and the time of day?
I wake up about 9-9:30 and eat a light breakfast (usually split something with my husband as neither of us eat much in the morning). Then lunch at noon, snack about 4 pm and/or 7 pm (right before and during work), then dinner when I get home about 10 pm. Usually go to bed around 1:30 am.

Heather D.
on 2/27/12 6:11 am
Topic: RE: Straight up question
I had a post-op infection (serratia) in one of my incisions. I ended up in the ER and had to have it drained/flushed with saline, then packed twice a day for about 4-6 weeks until it closed naturally on its own. Luckily my husband is awesome and did the packing for me - and he was MUCH gentler than when the doctor did it. I don't think it's a very common complication, and it was more of a discomfort/annoyance than anything. It wasn't extremely painful.

Heather D.
on 1/17/12 4:01 am
Topic: RE: Suggestions on Hair loss Please, what you did!!!
I don't remember how far out I was when mine started falling out, but it sure did. It lasted for 8 months - a year. I don't remember exactly. I just tried not to stress over it. I didn't do anything particular for it, I don't know if anything really could've helped. They say Biotin helps. I'm sure I was about the only one who noticed. But... now that it's coming back it's curlier now than ever, which is kinda cool.

Heather D.
on 1/17/12 3:53 am
Topic: RE: How long did your post op fatigue last?
It really did take a long time. I remember telling my husband "I just want to not be tired anymore!" 12 weeks isn't an unreasonable number in my experience. That sounds about right for me.

Heather D.
on 1/17/12 12:29 am
Topic: RE: laxatives
I recently discovered Chia seeds. They're the only things that have been able to get things moving for me - and they are super healthy. Lots of Omega-3, calcium and about 7g fiber per 2 Tbsp.

Heather D.
on 1/17/12 12:21 am
Topic: RE: Packing for the Hospital
Neck pillow! I slept sitting up for the first couple of days and really could've used one. Other than that I didn't need much. Just comfy clothes, warm socks (maybe some slippers for all that walking you'll be doing), toiletries. You might bring a book or something, but I really wasn't in the mood to read after surgery. I jus****ched TV and walked.

Heather D.
on 1/17/12 12:17 am
Topic: RE: ? about the ride home after surgery
I had a lonnnng, cramped car ride across the border back into the US from Mexico followed by two plane rides 2 or 3 days after surgery. It wasn't that bad, really. I was worn out by the end of it though. Maybe just bring some pillows and blankets to make yourself as comfortable as you can. I'll tell you the one thing I WISH I had right after surgery was a neck pillow. Laying down to sleep was almost impossible for me. (And no, I didn't wear any support garments after surgery. I wanted loose, comfortable clothes.)

Heather D.
on 1/16/12 12:28 pm
Topic: RE: Aggrivated!
Pssshhht! Don't let it get to you. Sounds like she was just being snarky and trying to make herself feel good. I personally wouldn't be able to "handle" a band... nor would I want to with all the potential complications involved. I think the sleeve is by far superior, but then again I guess I'm a little biased. ;) If you choose the sleeve you will be able to "handle" it just fine.

Heather D.
on 1/16/12 12:23 pm
Topic: RE: A NSV and a little bragging!
Congrats on the NSV!  I know that one feels good. :) I hated having to ask for extenders. Argh! And good job on your exercising! That stall won't last forever, just keep at it.

Heather D.
on 1/16/12 9:47 am
Topic: RE: sleeve and pop?
Avoid it if possible, especially that early out. I am 2+ years out, and I've only had a few sodas. I used to be thoroughly addicted to diet dr pepper, but now the carbonation stings my throat. If I do have one, I have to have it on ice and slightly watered down.

Heather D.
on 1/16/12 8:59 am
Topic: RE: A little something to add to my 2 year update
Thank you, everyone! I should pop back in here more often... you guys are so sweet. :)

Heather D.
on 1/16/12 8:58 am
Topic: RE: A little something to add to my 2 year update
Thank you... and stay positive! Good luck with your weight loss!

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