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on 10/12/20 1:50 pm - CA
Topic: 13 Years later...

Hi all, 13 years ago my body began to change. Within the 13 years, I've learned quite a lot that I'd love to share with you.

a. Always be kind to yourself. It's not always possible because I wrestle with my own demons about weight, but be gentle on yourself.

b. Try sensitive toothpaste. If you have gerd, that may help.

c. If you describe yourself as fat, you are the only person that can change that mindset. The struggle is real for me, and I do battle with self talk every day. I still consider myself a heavyweight but I know that I'm not.

d. If you get off track, get back on track. Gaining weight back sucks.

e. I got down to 110 (because of a breakup) and now flux between 125-135. Know what works best for you. 135 does not work for me, but I'm back on track.

f. Exercise. Move your body. Think health. Don't make excuses. If you can't move, crawl, stretch, whatever it takes. A little goes a long way. 1 day at a time.

g. Chocolate is still delicious.

While I could go on and on, I'd like to give you the advice of don't give up. If you fall down, start over. Lean on this group as we are all in the same boat together. Repeat after me... you are loved, you are worthy, you are beautiful.

With love and less Cheetos,


Safe Journey,


on 10/10/20 6:06 am - SC
Topic: RE: Failure to lose much weight post-surgery


I am sorry you're having a hard time with everything. The main thing I want to say is relax. I too felt my weight loss was slow. I was on the scale every day and drove myself nuts. Even tho I was losing, I didn't feel or see it for months. I secretly worried that I wasn't going to lose much. Yet, here I am, 17 months out and almost 100 pounds lighter. Be patient, talk with your surgeon and make sure you address all your concerns but I'm willing to bet you will be great! Remember, it's only been two months since you had surgery. Your body is still healing and you are still learning how to manage the changes in your life. Drink your water! It matters on several levels. Cut yourself a break and enjoy already being over 50 pounds lighter than you were just a few months ago. What a wonderful start to your new life. Good luck and God bless!


on 10/8/20 2:48 am
Topic: RE: If I weight 258 now, how much am I expected to lose if I get this surgery?

Hi Haley,
It's really impossible to say without more information. Things like height, sex, and age matter. For instance, I weighed 277 on surgery day and am down to 157 less than a year later (I am actively trying not to lose any more weight as a man standing 5'9")

My weight loss is not typical at all, but it is possible to lose an extreme amount with this surgery, quickly even. The logic I used was that my problem was always that I ate way way way too much at meals, I simply needed a smaller stomach. If a person is the type to snack here and there all day, or drink too many of their calories, the RNY (bypass) seems like it might be a better option because you won't end up absorbing all the calories you are putting in your body here and there all day long. If you're like me and getting all your calories in 3-4 big meals a day, the VSG could be what you need to succeed.

RNY may be a little more effective long-term and produce faster results, but there is the trade-off of it being a bit more of a complicated procedure with more possible complications, and the fact you won't absorb what you're putting in your body as well (think vitamins and essential nutrients). There are probably a lot of minor differences as well, I notice a bit of difference in which foods I tolerate well compared to my partner, who had the bypass.

So to answer your question, maybe you'd lose a little more with the RNY and have better success long-term. It's all going to come down with how well you stick to eating right and exercising, whichever choice you make. I wouldn't want to steer you strongly in one direction or the other, that's for you and your medical professionals to decide.

Dr. Guillermo Alvarez
on 10/7/20 7:29 am, edited 10/7/20 7:31 am
Topic: How big is my Stomach | Gastric Sleeve Surgery | Questions and Answers

Good morning!
Have you ever wondered how big is your stomach, and what size it'll be after a Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Check out this video I made explaining all about it!

Dr. Alvarez

on 10/1/20 8:20 pm
Topic: RE: anyone change their mind and cancel at the last minute?

I cancelled my survey for RNY ok Sept 8th.
I just couldn't see having surgery electively and f something happened. I was petrified

Dr. Guillermo Alvarez
on 10/1/20 7:32 am
Topic: Get back on track with your Gastric Sleeve

Good Morning!
I wrote this blog post for those of you that want to Get back on track with your Gastric Sleeve

Check it out here:

Dr. Alvarez

on 9/30/20 12:30 pm
Topic: RE: Daughter's surgery went well, husband is acting weird

ladygodiva1228, sorry, I haven't been on my computer for a few days, got an eye infection and had to back off it. It sounds like you and your husband have things figured out on supporting each other, nice to hear and I am thankful you shared this information. I have always thought communication is the key as well, so I'll have to encourage my daughter to be perfectly honest and clear when she communicates with him, and he in return.

Sorry to hear about your hubby's back but glad he got inspired to lose weight and get off some meds, good for him! I'm sure with you supporting him, he was feeling good about his progress.

Thank you!

Dr. Guillermo Alvarez
on 9/29/20 7:25 am
Topic: How Much Exercise Do Gastric Sleeve Surgery Patients Need?

Good morning!
Have you ever wondered how much exercise does a Gastric Sleeve Surgery patient need?
Read all about in this blog post I wrote

Dr. Alvarez

on 9/29/20 12:31 am
Topic: RE: Nutritionist thinks VSG is not for me

That sounds a bit odd to me. Even though my starting BMI was lower than yours, I've lost 120 pounds since surgery day less than a year ago with the VSG. From what I understand, and keep in mind I am no expert, a lot of surgeons used to not take out enough of the stomach with VSG, hence the lower success rate. I think they are a lot better at it now than they used to be.

GB is a great procedure and all, there is plenty of reason to choose it over VSG. However, I would probably get a second opinion if I were in your shoes, because VSG can be a great surgery and I'm thrilled with my choice.

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