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Hello Everyone,
I'm still not quite a full month out of surgery, but if you can remember, what were your top foods early in your post op days?
I had surgery 13 years ago. I have stool softeners, laxatives, fiber, magnesium, suppositories, and enemas. I don't think Miralax is enough after five days. The enema is good advice. If you are still having problems, call them back.
Miralax is used by most people to keep the constipation from happening. For me, it is usually too strong.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
I was sent home from the hospital on stool softeners. Miralax is what most of us take daily for constipation. I personally do best with magnesium tablets and fiber. With five days of constipation, you might want to ask your surgeon's office for advise. I once got so bad I ended up at the ER and they took xrays. They told me to drink a bottle of magnesium citrate.
The 3 week stall is to be expected. There is a whole scientific reason that has to do with glycogen. Glycogen is used for energy and requires water, something like 4 pounds of water for 1 pound of glycogen. You can Google it if interested.
The nausea is probably from not getting in enough water. As weird as it sounds, the body is holding water because it thinks it is not going to get enough. So what usually helps is to drink a lot of water. I aim for 100 ounces a day. Once the body thinks the drought is over, it will release the water that it is storing up.
No one told me to take anything for constipation. I could of been ahead of the game!!! I started using the bathroom and continued till about 4 or 5 days into eating purée I stopped using the bathroom. I started miralax yesterday. Taking one dose at a day. Is that how you are taking it? I called my dr they told me if I don't poop by today I have to use an enema if that doesn't move things to call them back.
on 11/4/20 6:43 am
I was fairly careful to take vitamins for several years but as my drinking got worse my self care also suffered.
My last labs ( about a year ago ) showed depleted iron and b12 levels which led to early fatigue and seeming depression.
i took a multi-iron supplement not elemental iron which we can't absorb and used vitamin b12 chews and feel mostly fine though I do still get tired in the afternoon.
You can have complications for the rest of your life. But most of the time, there is something else going on. You could be dehydrated, you might have picked up a stomach flu, a sinus drainage can cause nausea. You might have eaten something that your body did not tolerate. Vomiting is not normal and I would suggest calling your doctor.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
I was sent home from the hospital on stool softeners. Miralax is what most of us take daily for constipation. I personally do best with magnesium tablets and fiber. With five days of constipation, you might want to ask your surgeon's office for advise. I once got so bad I ended up at the ER and they took xrays. They told me to drink a bottle of magnesium citrate.
The 3 week stall is to be expected. There is a whole scientific reason that has to do with glycogen. Glycogen is used for energy and requires water, something like 4 pounds of water for 1 pound of glycogen. You can Google it if interested.
The nausea is probably from not getting in enough water. As weird as it sounds, the body is holding water because it thinks it is not going to get enough. So what usually helps is to drink a lot of water. I aim for 100 ounces a day. Once the body thinks the drought is over, it will release the water that it is storing up.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
I am a little over a year post sleeve and am wondering if anyone here has experienced complications after a year out? If so, what were your complications if you don't mind sharing? I am feeling especially nauseous and have been vomiting.
dehydration can cause nauseA. Are you getting 64+ oz of sf liquid a day?
ulcers can also cause nausea.
Good Morning
I made this video for anyone who has questions about losing the last few pounds after Gastric Sleeve Surgery.
Check it out here:
Dr. Alvarez
I feel exactly like you!!!!! I had my surgery on 10/15 so this Thursday I make 3 weeks. Started Weightloss journey at 230. Dos 222 current weight 207. But today got on the scale and it said 209 ? I've been constipated going on 5 days today. Will get something today from the store! Yesterday I barely ate or drank anything was nauseous pretty much all day.
When I was approved, I only told my family--there were yays & nays. It's your body & you're doing it for your health. It's no one business what's going on.
When someone asked if I lost weight. I smiled-why yes--alot of blood, sweat, tears & cussing. It's my secret!!!
Good luck, take care.