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Laying in bed at the Endohospital in mexico. Everything went exceptionally well. From start till present everything has been first class. I have gas pain my neck and shoulders but it's not too bad. I have seen Dr. Alvarez 3 times today and the nursing staff has been by about 10 times, I called them about three times. Everytime I called they were here in about 10 seconds. The care has been fantastic! My wife and I have been impressed with how everything has run. I would definitely recommend Dr. Alvarez and Endobariatrics! I'll answer any questions or concerns you may have.
I will definitely check it out! Thank you for letting me know!
the RNY menu group is the most active thread on here these days. There are VSG people on there - (esp now since the VSG menu thread seems to have died) - we're not picky - we welcome all!
Thanks. I'm not on FB, but I did find the main WL forum here which seems to have a little more activity. I like to read about what other folks have learned throughout their journeys. Helps keep me motivated.
I had RNY. My hunger completely went away for the first five months. It gradually came back, but it's not as intense as it was before surgery. I think most people's hunger comes back sometime during the first year, but for some people, it never really does. Wish I was one of the latter..
yes it's much less active than it was when I joined seven years ago. I think that may be true of internet forums like this in general. It seems more people are using Facebook groups these days instead of these kinds of forums.
Thank you so much for the response.
On a separate note, where is everyone hanging out on this forum these days? I used to be an active, daily user when I first had my lap band many years ago, but the level of activity seems to have died down significantly.
I had rny back in October and I am rarely hungry. I have even had my nutritionist tell me that I need to eat more calories but from what I hear this is the time to make the most of the weight loss. I can't attest to a long term affect of hunger being gone but I have heard people in my support group that are 2 + yrs say that they are not hungry that it is more of a head hunger. Good luck on your surgery.
most PCP's seem to be OK with it and are glad to do the referral, but some aren't - so all you can do is ask her. If she refuses, then you can always find another PCP who's more bariatric-surgery friendly.
Thanks so much. Sounds similar to most surgeries where we still have to do our part. I know I will have a hard time with the head hunger part myself, but I'm happy to hear that you had two good years before that became a factor. I hope to change my gain it's as much as possible the first few months to a year.