Need advice
I am a college student and during this summer time I have testing and student orientations to attend in August. I am going to be getting the gastric sleeve surgery but I don't know if now is the best time.
I will be on my pre-op liquid diet the same week as an important state certification test, and then a week and a half after my surgery I will have my orientations. School is my primary objective, but now seems like the best time to do the surgery since I am in the right head space for it.
Do y'all think the stress of the pre-op liquid diet and the recovery time after the surgery is very difficult? I'm not sure if I can make it through everything since I already have high anxiety levels, but I believe in myself and need this surgery!
I would wait until you can take about a month off from other stressful activities. I would not advise doing all of this at the same time. You might be fine or you might wish you have not added all that extra stress.
Weight loss surgery is not a life-threatening emergency. Your school and test should take priority.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
I'll do my best to convey my own experience. Bear in mind that I had a very easy recovery from surgery, with virtually no pain. However, I was 58 at the time, so I might have recovered a little more slowly than younger people. Everyone's experience is different.
I found it difficult to concentrate during the pre-op diet. Taking a test at that time would have been difficult for me, unless it was an easy test where I could afford to make a few mistakes.
After surgery my concentration was fine, but my stamina wasn't! I felt fine two days after surgery. I could have handled a test 3-4 days after surgery IF it wasn't longer than an hour or two. The main problem I had after surgery was that I would get exhausted easily. One minute I'd be fine, and the next minute I needed to sit down RIGHT NOW! Since I have a desk job, I would have been OK to go back to work after two weeks, but I'm glad that I followed my surgeon's advice and toke an entire month to recover.
The stamina took longer to come back than I expected. Two months after surgery, I started to give a presentation standing up, started to feel dizzy, and had to sit on the floor. I wasn't nervous about the presentation; it was standing up that did me in.
In summary: During the post-op diet I had enough stamina but found it a little difficult to concentrate. After surgery my concentration was fine, but I had no stamina.