Muscle regain
I dropped from 320 down to 165 in about 8-9 months. Lost lots of muscle along with the fat. Been hitting the gym trying to regain muscle and tone up my body. It's a slow process. Just hit a milestone today and feeling pretty good. I was able to bench press one 45 plate per side for 5 reps unassisted. Granted that's only 135lbs but it's progress from where I started. One goal is to bench my own body weight. biggest goal is to do all the squats I can to regain some junk in my trunk so my tail bone stops hurting. That's the worst.
Any good gym stories or muscle regain stories? I was so focused on losing I didn't care if it was muscle or fat etc til after. I feel good and will keep on keeping on.
I used to find it was very easy to regain muscle, but as I got older, it does result in a lot of soreness when I overdo it. I stick to water exercise now.
You might want to get a smart scale that measures your muscle weight. It is interesting to see it go up.

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