5 Year Update

on 11/8/19 7:14 pm

Hi Fellow VSG'ers!

I just recently passed my 5 year surgiversary. I started at 205 and currently weigh 89. I know that's too low, but it's been a very stressful year.

Question for those of you who are out a few years. Do you still go to your annual follow up with your surgeon? If so, how do they act? I never see the actual surgeon and their office has become a revolving door of PA's.

At this last appointment, without even looking up from my chart a PA I've never met said, "well, you've lost 148%of your excess weight so I guess you're doing ok."

Basically said here's your bloodwork for next year and if you have any health issues in between now and then, call your primary doctor.

I don't think she ever even looked at my face! I was back in my car within 8 minutes. I get such a weird vibe, like they are annoyed that I haven't gained. They certainly aren't congratulatory or happy.

Am I the only one that has a dr's office full of ********

White Dove
on 11/8/19 8:06 pm - Warren, OH

I have seen my surgeon every year since 2007. I also have the same nutritionist and know many of the staff members quite well. They have tried to give me an appointment with other doctors, but I always see the same one.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 11/8/19 8:10 pm

You are very fortunate. I don't think one person still works there from when I had my surgery besides the actual surgeons. Not even the receptionist is the same and they are the only bariatric surgeon around so they pretty much hold the monopoly. They are known for great surgical skill and poor everything else ð??'

White Dove
on 11/9/19 2:57 am - Warren, OH

Unless you need surgery again, there is no point in going back to that practice.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 11/9/19 9:35 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
On November 9, 2019 at 3:14 AM Pacific Time, karishka wrote:

Hi Fellow VSG'ers!

I just recently passed my 5 year surgiversary. I started at 205 and currently weigh 89. I know that's too low, but it's been a very stressful year.

Question for those of you who are out a few years. Do you still go to your annual follow up with your surgeon? If so, how do they act? I never see the actual surgeon and their office has become a revolving door of PA's.

At this last appointment, without even looking up from my chart a PA I've never met said, "well, you've lost 148%of your excess weight so I guess you're doing ok."

Basically said here's your bloodwork for next year and if you have any health issues in between now and then, call your primary doctor.

I don't think she ever even looked at my face! I was back in my car within 8 minutes. I get such a weird vibe, like they are annoyed that I haven't gained. They certainly aren't congratulatory or happy.

Am I the only one that has a dr's office full of ********

if they are giving you nothing but grief, why go back? Surgeons cut, they hate follow up care. Seems to me like they are politely telling you to see your pvp and that is what I would do. They can order labs just as well and you would likely see the same couple ppl every time.

wondeting what you are eating to be weighing 89#.




on 11/9/19 12:45 pm

Well that's a perspective I hadn't thought of as far as them politely telling me to see my PCP. I just go for labs and because when I had the surgery they stressed that annual follow up was ABSOLUTELY imperative ?. I eat a pretty normal diet. I don't deny myself anything. I still have major restriction. I can eat about 10 bites or so at every meal. Breakfast I'll usually eat a hard boiled egg with 1/4 of an avocado. Lunch I'll eat a chicken taco. Dinner I'll eat 1/2 a sandwich. Snacks are usually cheese, almonds, yogurt, or beef jerky. I throw in some treats every once in a while.

Thank you for your feedback - it's definitely given me a different perspective.

on 11/10/19 5:26 am
VSG on 06/28/17

I would be more concerned if they haven't at least had the nutritionist come in and assess your current weight. Do you know what your BMI is or your healthy weight range? How tall are you? Beyond a bariatric lab panel, (which a primary can do), my surgeon's office has the PA's come in and then the nutritionist before he comes in. He trains future bariatric surgeons so although it can feel frustrating I understand the drill. Have any of the bariatric care team or your other providers mentioned if your current weight is healthy for you?

H.A.L.A B.
on 11/11/19 11:10 am

I used to see my surgeon until he moved. I chose not to see anyone else in the practice, except a surgeon that did my last hernia repair. But I'll see him only if I need to. If I suspect another hernia. (the last 2 that were fixed were femoral /groin hernia and umbilical/incisional hernia.

But I am also followed by my PCP and I have a great gastro doctor.

BTW: I am not sure how tall you are, but 89 seams really low. Do yo have another doctor that can help you with that? stress or no stress... if you are underweight - that is not healthy. Can't be healthy.

Middle of this year I dropped to a weight that was not good for me. It took me a few months and head work plus doc help (anti-anxiety meds) to gain some weight. We try to be skinny, but there is a point when too skinny is not healthy.

I hope you are getting help. HUGS

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 11/11/19 11:16 am
VSG on 01/08/18

What's the point of going if they aren't going to be looking out for your health. Loss of 148% of your excess weight is extreme. Even with a rough year that weight is too low. That weight highly suggests a serious health problem or eating disorder. You need to see a medical doctor ASAP to get to the bottom of your low weight (Unless you already know what it is and your rough year has been because you've been on chemo or something). Sometimes doctors are lazy and don't want to try and figure out what's wrong. Be your own health advocate, if necessary. Best of luck to you.

Citizen Kim
on 11/11/19 2:06 pm - Castle Rock, CO

You have a BMI of 16.8 and I can't believe your surgeon's office think this is ok!!!!

I think you would be better off seeing your PCP because you really need to find out why you weigh so little. You are in pretty dangerous territory

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

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