Seven years post-op update

on 11/6/19 9:50 am, edited 11/9/19 9:48 pm

I had a sleeve ten years ago. 325 -> 245. No complications and much improved health. Then I started gaining again, slowly, but back up to 325 as of one year ago today. Then I started 16/8 intermittent fasting and reducing my carb intake. Now, I'm full keto (under 50g of carb per day). Back down to 260 (1 pound per week) and feeling great about my progress and the trajectory I'm on.

The reason I'm here is because I just wanted to add to the conversation about people that have failed on their surgeries. For me, I've found the answer after all this time. The low fat high "good carb" diet is exactly wrong for me and I suspect many other people too. I was worried about high LDL when I should have been worried about insulin, A1C, HDL and triglycerides. IF and Keto got me off the high blood sugar roller coaster.

It wasn't easy ... at first. But now it's a "piece of cake."

Dr. Jason Fung or Dr. Berg would be good places to START educating yourself if you want to consider this path. Search YouTube for free info. Good luck and no I don't have any other motivation but to help people who are struggling with their weight.

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