I have a bit of a conundrum and the advice of you experienced people may help

on 7/7/19 7:57 pm
VSG on 07/10/19

I didn't eat the chicken. I didn't have my surgery yet, it's on Wednesday the 10th. My issue was not knowing if being backed up would interfere with the surgery. It wasn't a hunger issue, I just thought something substantial would push everything along and help get clear before my surgery

on 7/8/19 10:52 am
VSG on 10/21/16


I understand your frustration of being hungry and constipated! However, I wouldn't eat or do anything that is not part of the program your surgeon follows. There are reasons for everything and you don't want to mess anything up!

I suggest you call your surgeon and explain what is going on. Extra protein drinks might be added. Make sure you drink PLENTY OF WATER!!!! Stool softeners might be useful as well.

I am almost 3 years post-op and I still have constipation problems. I take 2 stool softeners every morning and evening. I usually take something to help me go at least 1 time a month, more often if I haven't gone more than 3 or 4 days!

But I really urge you NOT to try anything without the doctors consent first!!!

Good luck!

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