Surgery Date was 3/21/17... outcome!!!
2 years and 2 months out myself and feeling AMAZING! Went in at 243, current weight is 134. I don't snack, sometimes it is really trying not to. I still have bloating and gas. Also, having issues of vomiting with more than 6-7 bites of food, seeing GI doc for that and have had barium swallow, 2 EGD's and a manometry (definitely not fun). Also, if I don't have enough water, I have palpitations. Yes, I have seen a cardiologist and having tests to make sure there isn't anything else going on. I have excess skin that I would like removed but since I don't have a large panus, will have to pay out of pocket. I also went total Paleo on my diet, it works for me. I know the surgery was just a tool and everything else was a lifestyle change, it worked for me. So for all of you that are going through this amazing journey, keep up the great work!

H. Pylori was negative. Still inconclusive as to why the vomiting other than I might still be eating too fast. But, on a positive, weighed this morning and I was down to 132.7. Not trying to get lower at this point but was very surprised!!
Hi, congrats on your amazing weight loss! I'm sorry you are going through your sickness and vomiting. Have you found anything out at doctor's yet? I'm getting VSG in october..what surgery did you have? My current weight is almost exactly what yours was...244. I feel horrible. I'm dreading summer just because I hate my body so much and can't fit into anything. I gained a lot of weight after I had my son three years ago and I haven't been able to lose so I'm really looking forward to having surgery. I know it's not a quick fix and I will have to put in work..but still, it's definitely a stepping stone.
Keep up the good work yourself!