Surgery date jitters

on 5/2/19 8:13 am - SC

Almost a year after deciding to have the sleeve, I am two weeks away from surgery. It suddenly happened very quickly. I am feeling scared, nervous and excited all at once. I just turned 63 on Easter Sunday. All these thoughts keep running through my head. Am I too old? Can I actually do this? What if........ a zillion things happen or don't happen. I assume this is a normal state of mind but if there are any older ladies who have had this done, I'd love to hear from you regarding your journey. I have two women very close to me who had it done and are shining examples of success. They are, however, half my age. Any words of wisdom will be greatly appreciated.

on 5/2/19 10:04 am
VSG on 06/11/18

I had surgery last year, a couple of weeks before my 58th birthday. And I've seen quite a few posts on this forum from people who had the surgery in their 60s. You will do swimmingly! In fact, I think older people may cope with the surgery better because we have more life experience, and possibly have had surgery before so we don't panic when we feel crummy right afterward.

One of my big concerns was: I have failed at so many diets, won't I fail at this too? If I could go back in time, I would tell myself that this is completely different experience. I still have to watch what I eat, but my body now works with me instead of fighting me at every step of the way.

In just 5 weeks after the surgery I could feel such a difference. I was still a bit weak (from surgery plus eating so little) but I could do all kinds of things I couldn't do before! And now I've lost 60% of my excess weight. I just got back from buying new clothes (I put it off as long as I could).

This may sound morbid, and a little paradoxical, but one of the things that made me feel more relaxed about surgery was making sure my will, etc. was in order, just in case. Once I knew my fur babies would be taken care of, I was able to put all out of my mind and focus on the positive outcome I expected. Also, as my surgeon explained, VSG is actually safer than having your gall bladder removed.

on 5/2/19 2:37 pm - SC

Thanks Wombat, for the encouragement and sage advice. I will take time to make sure the legal stuff is done. It's not morbid, just practical. I hadn't even given it a thought. This will be my first real surgery. I've had lots of "procedures" over the years. I think you're right. Our age helps with not panicking.

on 5/23/19 3:06 pm
VSG on 06/10/19

I am so grateful to read your post!! I am approaching 60 and worry that I won't succeed at this it was helpful to read your post and see that others think the same. Please let me know if there are other forums you recommend for women our age going through this. I've just started researching these since it all felt a bit overwhelming at first.

Wishing you the best of luck!

Kathy S.
on 5/2/19 11:02 am - InTheBurbs, XX
RNY on 08/29/04 with

Congratulations on the big day! Yes this is very normal. We have all had those thoughts, feelings and FEAR!!

The day of my surgery they were getting ready to wheel me in the Operating room and I actually grabbed the door jams and said I didn't want to go. Dr. Nagle looked me right in the eyes and said do you want to cancel? I wanted to say yes so bad! But I knew if I didn't go through with it I would not stop eating and die. It was the best thing I ever did in my life and for my life.

Good Luck and let us know how you are doing when you feel better

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

on 5/2/19 2:44 pm - SC

Hi Kathy. Thanks for your kind words (and the humorous image of hands and feet grabbing doorways****ep holding on to my goal of just feeling better. I'm glad to hear you are so happy you did it. I'll check in again.

on 5/2/19 2:35 pm
VSG on 05/13/19

I feel like that too, with my surgery scheduled for May 13. You are courageous to go on and do it anyway! BTW, I'm 56 and a cancer survivor. Both of us are going to do fine!

on 5/13/19 7:02 am - SC

I just saw your post. Your surgery is today and I just said a little prayer for all to go well. I am definitely ready to be on the other side. Let the healing begin! Good luck and God bless.

on 5/16/19 3:35 pm
VSG on 05/13/19

Thanks for your prayers. I'm out of hospital recovering at home.

on 5/2/19 4:37 pm

My revision from band to VSG was last week. I will be 61 in 10 days.

I'm recovering well and feel good.

Nerves are common . But you are far from being too old for surgery.


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