Vsg yesterday and I feel so bad

Kristi T.
on 3/22/19 10:10 am - MT
VSG on 02/09/16

How are you doing today Annie? I hope better. Hang in there, each day gets a little bit better!

on 3/22/19 10:17 am

Thank you Kristi. Now it's day four and I feel tremendously better!!! Even yesterday I felt more human. It was so helpful hearing from others on this site that this was normal. I was so nervous making my decision to get the surgery that I was only allowing myself to read the "good" stories or I would have backed out. Then I had the surgery and realized that I didn't really know exactly what "normal" should look like. I really appreciate the caring from people from these types of posts.

on 3/25/19 6:45 pm

I've never done a chat forum etc before.

I had sleeve surgery and an hiatal hernia repair done on 3.07.19. Going on my third week and still kinda a wreck. Is the combo surgery just harder to get through recovery?

ive been so diligent on liquids etc etc

a trip in the car to the drug store to pick up a script left me having to change my tee because it was soaked in sweat while I was shaking because i was too cold I've had my post op appt and into the ER on Friday I'm told I'm healing well so, what is this fatigue all about?

on 3/26/19 10:10 pm

I'm so sorry to hear how badly you are feeling. I hope you feel better soon.

on 3/22/19 10:51 pm
VSG on 06/13/18

Congrats on joining the loser's bench! Don't worry, it will get better, I promise! I felt like ð?'© the first few days after surgery, but, after that, I felt great! ? Just keep sipping, sipping, sipping--you don't want to get dehydrated. And walk as much as you can; it really does make the pain subside some.

Great info here ?

on 3/22/19 11:25 pm

Thanks! Sipping and walking! I'll be working on that...

(deactivated member)
on 3/23/19 7:34 am
VSG on 03/21/19

I feel your pain.....literally. Had my surgery the day after you and have been so very grateful for the positive and encouraging words here. The Gas and pain have been the worst. Good luck to you in your recovery.

on 3/23/19 8:32 am, edited 3/23/19 1:40 am

Good luck to you too! Once we're over the hump of this first little bit of recovery, life will begin to get exciting!

on 3/23/19 6:28 pm

I posted the original post. My surgery was Tuesday and on Wednesday I was dry heaving and nauseous and couldn't even stop to say hi to my mother who had come to visit me, so great was my haste to get into my bed at home. But I thought the story shouldn't end there, because here it is Saturday and I feel great! I'm 50 years old, so no spring chicken, but I have really bounced back. I didn't want to leave a sad story out there for all those who are on day 1 and feeling poorly and reading my post. Lots of hope, lots of help from people on this site who are generous with their advice and comfort.

on 3/23/19 6:29 pm
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