Totally blew it today

Shannon S.
on 1/22/19 3:37 pm
VSG on 11/07/17

Long story short. Work baby shower. Lots of carbs, and I ate as many as I could shove in my banana shaped tube. I believe this has been my worst day so far. Very upset at myself, and on top of it I skipped the gym because I'm feeling so down (another not so bright move). Anyways, haven't posted in awhile. Thought I'd share my thoughts with you this evening.

on 1/22/19 4:06 pm
VSG on 03/26/18

We've all been there. It's a journey, don't be down on yourself, tomorrow is a new day.

Shannon S.
on 1/23/19 9:56 am
VSG on 11/07/17

Thanks so much! Definitely had a couple of rough ones. These work events are killer. The girls in my office love to eat. I'm back on track today!

on 1/22/19 4:09 pm

An important skill in this process to learn is how to pick yourself back up and crawl over to the wagon. Hang in there and don't let the one day compound. Back at it starting now :)

Surgeon: Chengelis  Surgery on 12/19/2011  A little less carb eating compared to my weight loss phase loose sleever here!

1Mo: -21  2Mo: -16  3Mo: -12  4MO - 13  5MO: -11 6MO: -10 7MO: -10.3 8MO: -6  Goal in 8 months 4 days!!   6' 2''  EWL 103%  Starting size 28 or 4x (tight) now size 12 or large, shoe size 12 w to 10.5   150+ pounds lost  

Join the Instant Pot Pressure Cooker group for recipes and tips! Click here to join!

Shannon S.
on 1/23/19 9:57 am
VSG on 11/07/17

Yes! Back to my protein forward lifestyle. Thank you for the encouragement.

on 1/22/19 6:41 pm
VSG on 06/01/14

well don't beat yourself up too much. what's done is done. move on. just get a quick handle on what you did and start fresh.

though I can't speak for ALL, I think most of us have had this same story at least once or twice. just stay focused, get back on plan and don't dwell on it too much. you'll probably find that you either:

  1. don't feel quite as physically ill as you thought you would, or
  2. you feel totally cruddy

In case it's #1, don't let it go any further and result in regain. that happened for me, I found I COULD and DID start to eat a lot of really bad stuff... in the case of #2, just remember this feeling going forward. you probably won't do it again...

hang in there

Shannon S.
on 1/23/19 9:59 am
VSG on 11/07/17

You're right! And for the record I felt like crap, but more mentally than physically unfortunately. Today is a new day. Thank you for your encouraging words!!

on 1/23/19 6:07 am
VSG on 12/18/17

Hi Shannon-

Its great to "see you"! You and I had surgery around the same time and I recall reading your surgery journey and daily menu threads! I have found that since I am further out from surgery I can eat more and, once I start eating carbs it's hard to get back on track for the rest of the day. I find that if a pre pack my meals for the next day- I can stay on track. It's a pain always having to be prepared- especially when going to events like parties and work dinners but, it works for me. I also scroll thru this site daily-I don't always post but, I've found that just reading the posts keep me more in tune to the choices that I'm making. Having gastric surgery made me realize-" I really do have a problem with food"- who knew-lol! We all have bad days and it's good to hold ourselves accountable- but not beat ourselves up over it! You've come so far and this is only the beginning! Today is a new day to get back on track!

on 1/23/19 7:03 am
VSG on 10/05/17

Shannon, I'm sorry you're feeling like you blew it today; but today is gone. You've got a brand new start and you can do it. I have found carbs are not all alike in making me leap into too much.

But its a learning process and wee live in a real world full of -- carbs!

HW: 240 lbs CW: 205 lbs: SW: 199 lbs GW: 130 lbs
1 MO = 167.0 2 MO = 156.4 3 MO = 148.4 4 MO = 140.6
5 MO = 136.0 6 MO = 130.0 (GOAL) 20 MO = 133
"At the evening of our life, we shall be judged by our love."

Shannon S.
on 1/23/19 10:01 am
VSG on 11/07/17

Thank you for your kind words. I knew I could count on the folks from OH to give me the encouragement I need. Today IS a new day.

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