Curious Questions ....
I'm in the process of losing my regain weight too, so I'll tell you what I've been doing.
- I will eat veggies with my dinner and sometimes with my lunch. I make sure the majority of my meal is protein and no carbs.
- I don't count calories. I drink premier protein for breakfast, another premier protein for lunch along with a hard boiled egg, OR cheese stick, OR a snack chicken salad (I throw out the crackers that comes with it).
- I don't drink coffee so I can't help you there
- Fage is a type of yogurt. I don't eat yogurt since it's mostly carbs and sugar.
- I make my own sugar free hot chocolate mix. I do put dry coffee creamer in it which puts carbs in the drink, but it's not that much so I'm okay with it. I use unsweetened cocoa, stevia and Splenda mix, creamer, and a little cinnamon for flavor. I mix it according to my taste. I'll drink a cup of this mixed with my premier protein for breakfast. This fills me up for several hours. Sometimes I'm fine until lunch and somedays I'll eat a cheese stick around 10:30. All depends on how I feel.
I also drink a sugar free hot apple cider mix made by Alpine. It can be hard to find so when I see it I buy 3 boxes at a time. Both of these drinks help my from munching in the evenings before bed. I hope these suggestions help.