Whatcha Eating Today, VSGers? Saturday 11/2/18

(deactivated member)
on 11/3/18 3:37 am
VSG on 01/12/17

Good morning menu family. I am sitting in a one on one observation and am waiting for the shift to be over. Off and on I have had a terrible toothache and have been putting off going to the dentist, but my very back tooth is giving me a good deal of pain tonight. I am pretty sure the off and on pain has come from a crack or break. Can't see it, but I felt it when it happened.

I will need to get up early to take the other part of the litter to the shelter. I am weak and will keep one of them so giving me three kittens in total. Emma, Stache (Mustache) and Opal. Stache is a boy and he is such a cuddly thing.

QOTD: What is a trait in someone that you cannot tolerate?

For me it is someone who constantly tells "white" lies. Sure the big lies are bad, but unless they are happening all the time I can forgive them. I am sure we all know someone who just lies about things nonstop and they are those little things that don't really matter.

Breakfast- ham and cheese omelette

Lunch- Turkey sandwich with jalapeño artichoke dip spread on it, black berries

Dinner- rotisserie chicken with chipotle lime salsa, fajita veggies, avocado, tortilla

Snacks- roasted broad beans and baby bel cheese, pork rinds

on 11/3/18 10:18 am

My first outing since VSG on 10/29.

The nurses called to follow up and told me to take my laxatives so i did the last two nights. I am praying they don't work while we are on the road. I really should have stayed home but we are taking the grandkids to their cousin's bday party and i dis not want to miss it.

Breakfast: Boost Max 30g pro drink with Miralax and almond milk to make 16 oz.

Intollerable trait...hmmm. people pretending to want to change while really only wanting to complain and stay in their rut. They suck the life out of me.

Should i worry that sips of water stick in my gut but protein drinks go down so smoothly and easily?

Lunch and dinner Boost Max and sip sip sip water .

HW 230



CW 160

GW 130

Kristi T.
on 11/3/18 11:03 am - MT
VSG on 02/09/16

Good morning! I'm sorry about your toothache Mersh! I discovered Clove oil, I put a few drops on a Q-tip and dabbed it all over my tooth and the gums, it is amazing! Tastes awful, but works REALLY WELL! You can find it any health food store that sells essential oils. It worked better than Orajel. Hope you find relief while waiting to see the dentist(or it just goes away!) I would be weak too and keep a kitten or two myself:-)

The casino was awful last night, really crowded and hot. I lost as usual. I am going to figure out another way for my mom to get there. I don't want to go anymore because I am a little worried about transfer addiction from food to gambling.

QOTD-This is an easy one, I do not like it when I am speaking to someone and they are looking around and not making eye contact. It makes me feel invisible. My dear brother has this trait, it drives me crazy!:-)

B-1/3 cup granola, bullet coffee

L-1/2 cup 2%Fage, peaches, monk fruit and slivered almonds

S-Hot Tea

D-Annual Turkey dinner at local fire station!

E-Hike with Emmy

Have a safe and peaceful Saturday!

on 11/3/18 5:52 pm

Hi all! Have had a busy day today and am posting late. Hope everyone had a lovely Saturday.

QOTD: White lies get me in a fit but I think moreso it's people who are bad with money but want to be overly nosey into how I manage our income and bills while managing to have some nice things.

B:coffee with whip

L: grilled chicken nuggets

D: shredded chicken, lettuce, cheese

S: Atkins chocolate bar

(deactivated member)
on 11/3/18 7:30 pm
VSG on 01/12/17

I have that issue with someone right now. Every once in awhile I buy something nice for myself. Once in good while and if it's on sale. Each time I am asked how much money I could be making as a tech to afford those things and my bills. I finally told her I afford them because I don't waste money three times a shift at the hospital Starbucks and save my money and budget. Nosey people are the worst.

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