Whatcha Eating Today, VSGers? Thursday, 10/25/18

(deactivated member)
on 10/25/18 6:25 am
VSG on 01/12/17

Morning all. So, I slept finally. Six hours of glorious sleep, the kittens were even on my side last night for sleep and were quiet and calm and curled up beside me. I woke up once though to Emma curling into my neck and nibbling on my ear, but then I fell back asleep once she settled in.

There are also three more kittens joining Emma and Opal though. Not forever, they have homes coming to them Saturday, so they are just visiting until then. They are all black and white, one is all black with white boots and a mustache! I have just been calling her Stache, while the other two look identical to a cat I used to have named Ribbon, so they are Ribbon 2 and Ribbon 3. Opal does not like them one bit even though they are her sisters! She has been defending her new home like a little scrapper, she's event he tiniest one of all of them.

Class at the gym today, then getting food prepared for my three day work weekend. Not sure what I'll have, but I'm not feeling creative at all lately, as I'm sure my plethora of easy sandwiches has been evident! I've been a bum since my sleep has been out of whack and my calories haven't been as high as I've liked, which has shown on the scale. I don't mind it that much, but I am trying to gain muscle, so dropping lower is counter-productive. With my sleep getting a bit better, I'll eat better.

QOTD: I loved the question where I got to know some unknown traits about you all. What's that tiny little thing that just gets you so angry? I don't mean big slights that someone has done against you, but just that small thing that drives you nuts?

People who eat food then just dump their dishes in the sink for some one else to wash and dry. Also, my whole family is bad about that one and that when they shower they just leave their clothes on the bathroom floor and leave the shower a mess. Drives me up the wall.

B- 2 egg omelette with veggies and shredded gouda cheese

L- Wendy's chili which I will bring home and have with some steamed cauliflower

D- Chicken with cauli rice, stir-fry veggies, an egg cooked into it and a bit of soy sauce for a mock chicken fried "rice" we'll see how it tastes. I'm not following a recipe, so it might be a disaster.

S- Jalapeno Artichoke dip with pork rinds, beef steak stick with string cheese

Gwen M.
on 10/25/18 7:25 am
VSG on 03/13/14

Another busy day here for me. I complained on FB about Pennsylvania's lack of voting stickers and a friend who lives in PA said, "Oh, I buy my own stickers and donate them to my precinct" and my mind was blown! So I ordered two rolls of stickers (1000 total) and they're being delivered to my mom so that she can donate them to her precinct. She's always sad that she doesn't get a sticker. I also ordered myself a pin to wear, since the adhesive on our stickers is sad and I'll be working as an election judge so I want something more durable. (Assuming I'm allowed to wear it!)

Today is another busy day and I'm looking forward to tomorrow which is relatively unscheduled. I'm supposed to run today, but it's cold and my left nipple is raynaud's-y, and my breast warmers are arriving today, but I don't want to deal with the pain of running in the cold before they arrive, so I'm skipping it. I'll get some good yoga stretching in, though, since I do have a 10k race on Sunday. I've got school work for my GERO class today and then therapy and voting (yay Maryland's early voting!!) in the afternoon. Once home from that, I'm hoping Art and I will finally get to do the next campaign in the Arkham Horror card game that we tried to start two weeks ago but had to abort due to The Great Flash Flood of 2018.

QOTD: The students who post in my class forums and don't use paragraph breaks. I've gotten to the point where I don't even bother with reading those posts. I don't have time for Wall O Text.

1: protein shake
2: leftover corned beef (there are a lot of leftovers in the fridge right now)
3: easy pressure cooker chicken and chickpea masala, rice for the guys

liquids and vites: on track
exercise: yoga

VSG with Dr. Salameh - 3/13/2014
Diagnosed with Binge Eating Disorder and started Vyvanse - 7/22/2016
Reconstructive Surgeries with Dr. Michaels - 6/5/2017 (LBL & brachioplasty), 8/14/2017 (UBL & mastopexy), 11/6/2017 (medial leg lift)

Age 42 Height 5'4" HW 319 (1/3/2014) SW 293 (3/13/2014) CW 149 (7/16/2017)
Next Goal 145 - normal BMI | Total Weight Lost 170

TrendWeight | Food Blog (sort of functional) | Journal (down for maintenance)

on 10/25/18 8:32 am
VSG on 08/11/14

Good morning,

I have to be to work in an half hour so this will be quick.

Qotd people who borrowed all the time and never replace it. My friend did that again today. She's always borrowing miralax but she doesn't offered to replace it. The next time it's on sale at sams club, I'm going to tell her to buy some and give me a bottle back.

B ham and cheese omelette, string cheese and English muffin

L tuna, cottage cheese and honeycrisp apple

D piece of fish, coleslaw and green beans

Have a good day

on 10/25/18 8:52 am

QOTD: Time being left on the microwave, lol. It always makes me thing I need to reset the clock.

B: Coffee

S: Omelet in a jar

L: Coffee again ( I have a migraine and upset tummy)

S: nuts and dried fruit

D: No idea

Kristi T.
on 10/25/18 9:57 am - MT
VSG on 02/09/16

Good morning! So glad you got some good sleep last night Mersh, hope it continues for you! Good luck with the kitties, maybe Opal will realize it's more fun to play with her sisters than to fight with them:-)

I don't really have any plans for the day. Today is the last day of sun, we are supposed to be cold, cloudy with a lot of rain for the next 5 days. I will take advantage of the warmth in some way today!

QOTD-It drives me crazy when I am standing in line and the person in front of me is on their cell phone and they don't acknowledge or even look at the cashier. They take their change or receipt and walk away without a thank you.

B-1/3 cup granola, bullet coffee

L-2%Fage with 1/2 pear, stevia and slivered almonds

S-Hot tea

D-Mushroom chicken(crock pot), 3 bean salad

E-Hike with Emmy

Have a good Thursday!

on 10/25/18 10:12 am - Woburn, MA

Good question, Mersh. I'm working at home and going out for my monthly night out with the ladies tonight. Yay.

QOTD: When people use "I" incorrectly or worse, "myself." Give your papers to John or myself....only you can give something to yourself!!!!! Okay, calm now.

B: toast

L: slice of pizza

D: planning on a small filet of beef and veg

E: probably a walk, it's windy and cold, but sunny

VSG on 04/28/2014

Ms Shell
on 10/25/18 10:32 am - Hawthorne, CA

QOTD: People who smack when they eat. Yes I'd like to SMACK them

B: Coffee; Protein Bar
S: Egg Salad; Pickle
L: 5oz Meat Sauce; 2oz Zucchini; 1oz Rice
S: Almonds
D: Scrambled Eggs & Bacon

"WLS is only for people who are ready to move past the "diet" mentality" ~Alison Brown
"WLS is not a Do-Over (repeat same mistakes = get a similar outcome.)  It is a Do-BETTER (make lifestyle changes you can continue forever.)" ~ Michele Vicara aka Eggface

on 10/25/18 3:16 pm
VSG on 12/27/18

QOTD: When I'm driving and someone rushes to cut me off and goes two miles an hour when there's literally no one behind me.

As far as the food part goes I'm doing the Jenny Craig diet until my surgery so I'm having a turkey burger with vegetables and some fruit. I do have a work dinner that I have to attend tonight so I'm really going to have to be careful about my portion sizes and my food choices.


5'6" Female 31 years old

HW: 273 / SW: 261 / GW:140

on 10/25/18 6:55 pm
VSG on 09/18/18

First post here. I'm more of a lurker.

Breakfast was a single egg (scrambled)

Snack 1 : shake

Lunch: 2oz of tuna

Snack 2 : shake

Dinner : 2 oz of steamed carrots

Surgery was easy which was nice. Recovery was quick. Hardest part so far is preparing a meal that is only 2 ounces. A can of soup lasts me a week. I'm in the mushy phase and it's not bad. I'm more anxious to get to 4 oz portions than real food. Eating 2 ounces of anything feels like a waste of time. It's not that it doesn't fill me per se, it just doesn't satisfy me in any way. It almost feels like I'm just going through the motions of eating. Might be easier to only do shakes for life. :) A 15oz shake is ok but 3 oz of soup is a party foul? Riddle me that. Still trying to wrap my head around the rules. Gotta retrain my mind I suppose. Packing a 2 oz lunch is tricky so far. Most days I treat my shake as lunch and do 2 oz of yogurt or something as a snack. I suppose that's all for now.

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