Looking to calm my nerves!

on 10/21/18 11:21 am
VSG on 10/18/18

You got this. Just remember why you're doing it and keep your eye on the end results. You're going to do amazing.

Surgery Date: 10/18/2018

6'1" Male

HW: 471. SW: 459 (post). GW: 225

on 10/21/18 12:11 pm
Revision on 10/08/18

Thanks for the encouragement! Wishing you good health!

on 10/21/18 6:33 pm
VSG on 10/22/18

Oh my gosh!! Good luck to you! We can keep up together on here! Yeayy! I'm sure I won't sleep tonight... my alarm is set for 4:30! Eeeeek

on 10/27/18 6:14 pm

Me too!!!! Exactly. More than any other surgery.

on 10/21/18 1:36 pm
VSG on 09/11/18

You've got this girl! Just remember the you that you want to be because in a year you'll be her looking back at this saying that you made the right decision. Surgery is scary I know I was terrified but once it's done and you start getting used to your new stomach you'll love the fact that you went along with it. We're all here for you!

on 10/21/18 6:34 pm
VSG on 10/22/18

Thank you so much!

on 10/21/18 7:21 pm
Revision on 10/08/18

Thanks sooooo much!

White Dove
on 10/21/18 2:47 pm - Warren, OH

I think for about 99% of people, recovery is quick and easy. I was surprised when I woke up from surgery that I did not feel any different. There were a few small incisions and I was up and walking around an hour later and back to work at a desk job in less than a week.

I have had dental surgery that was worse.

But I worried myself crazy before the surgery and almost did not go through with it.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 10/21/18 6:36 pm
VSG on 10/22/18

Oh my gosh!!! That's wonderful to hear!! I'm hoping for the same experience (who isn't) lol ... just freaking out a little tonight!! Eeeek thanks for the response!!

(deactivated member)
on 10/22/18 9:04 am
VSG on 10/24/18
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