Whatcha Eating Today, VSGers? Tuesday, 9/11/18

(deactivated member)
on 9/11/18 4:50 am
VSG on 01/12/17

Hey all! I am up much earlier than anticipated, even though I took my sleeping pill last night. Woke up about 5 a.m. and just couldn't get back to sleep. So, I'm up drinking coffee and getting ready to go to the gym. I am going to see if my grandmother wants to come with me since I have unlimited guest passes and it would be good for her!

Today's plans are pretty up in the air. I don't really know what I need grocery wise (guess I should look). I always know what I need the last minute. I did get to costco and get their premier drinks on sale, as well as some of my favorite yogurt.

QOTD: What do you do when you can't sleep?

If it's just not being able to fall back asleep a couple hours before my intended time, I often just lay in bed to rest. If I can't fall asleep at the beginning of laying down, I tend to wake up and tool about the house until I get tired. Usually that means watching something on netflix, playing a video game, or lately reading. I'm almost done with Voices of Chernobyl.

Lunch isn't set in stone yet. I'll be out today and am craving fish, but I could also just come home and make the fish myself and save some money. We'll see!

on 9/11/18 5:34 am - Woburn, MA

Good morning, Mersh and all. It's a rainy cool day so far here. The rain last night was so soothing, I slept like a baby - speaking of sleeping, haha.

QOTD: Once I wake up in the night, I am up for a minimum of 2 hours. I try not to look at the clock, phone etc or I know I won't fall back to sleep. Some nights I just lay there and am miserable (mostly if I am working in the morning) but if I know I can sleep in, I will play a game on my phone - sometimes I still wake up at normal time. Interestingly, at the campground this summer I don't think I woke up at night at all except for one night that a skunk decided to walk through our site and the dog went crazy. I also slept late there. I guess when it's pitch black and you know there's nothing to do if you get up, you sleep better.

B: steel cut oats

L: probably salad from caf - had it yesterday with dressing I brought in and it tasted good

D: undecided

L/V: good

E: got my new fit*****arger so probably walk to generate steps that I am lacking...we get an insurance discount if we meet a step requirement per quarter

VSG on 04/28/2014

on 9/11/18 6:24 am

Hi, mer****hanks for getting us going.

QOTD: I look at my phone. This is counterproductive, I know, to send blue light waves that stimulate the brain into my eyes. I used the night time feature on my phone, which supposedly reduces that. Other times, I try to count breaths until I fall asleep (doc taught me that).

Accountability: my carbs have been creeping up. Healthy carbs, but still. Need to beat that back. I'm in a bit of a stall, and I'm sure they aren't helping.

B - Chike mocha protein shake. I added ice and smoked cinnamon. This is the first time I've tried this stuff. Not terrible, but very sweet (hence the ice and spice). I don't love the fact that it's 130 calories and just 20gs of protein, but it's a change of pace from isopure and premier protein so OK.

L - Leftover sausage, chicken breast and lentil stew that I made. It's really meaty and about a half cup satisfies for a long time, so looking forward to it.

S - Siggis

D - prob more stew. I'm boring, but I hate to waste it. Since i can only eat small amounts, i foist it on my family to eat, too. I made a big ol' pot and I don't want to dump it out

HW: 260 - SW: 250

GW (Surgeon): 170 - GW (Me): 150

(deactivated member)
on 9/11/18 12:58 pm
VSG on 01/12/17

I have done the counting breaths too. Also I count the clock tik-toks.

If you are looking for a sort of iced coffee protein shake I use premier caramel, 3-4 oz of it and add it to chilled coffee.

on 9/11/18 7:11 pm

That's a solid idea. I might also try to add a bit of Fairlife skim to bring up the protein. As I said, it wasn't bad. I'm curious to try the other flavors.

HW: 260 - SW: 250

GW (Surgeon): 170 - GW (Me): 150

Jess Says Yes
on 9/11/18 8:10 am
VSG on 10/24/17

Good morning everyone. We are preparing for hurricane Florence. Our city will be used as an evacuation hub which means our schools will serve as shelters for those coming in from the coast so the kids are out of school. And the stare of emergency means the majority of my prison/jail programs are canceled anyway. I have a few meetings today.

QOTD: I have suffered from insomnia my whole life. It comes in phases so there are weeks when I sleep fine. I've got a hundred tricks. Meditation, breath work, listening to boring audio books, reading, rain sounds, etc. When they don't work I just lay there and pretend to be asleep hoping my body benefits from the rest.

B - coffee & protein

L - yogurt and almond

D - beef and cheddar taco

S - grapes (I haven't had fruit in weeks!)


To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all. - Oscar Wilde

Age: 36 Height: 5'9" HW:326 GW:180

Pre-op:-32 M1-26 M2-11 M3-13 M4-10 M5-13 M6-8 M7-12 M8-7 M9-7 M10-0 M11-11

on 9/11/18 11:51 am - Daytona Beach, FL
VSG on 06/25/18

Keep safe Jess, I will be praying for everyone up there. This is going to be a bad one and having been in a few down here I know it will make tempers short and emotions raw... just stay safe!

5' 2". 60-year-old (at time of surgery)

HW 239.9, SW 223

GW (Surgeon) 150, GW (Mine) 135


(deactivated member)
on 9/11/18 12:58 pm
VSG on 01/12/17

Stay safe in the storm!

on 9/11/18 11:43 am - Daytona Beach, FL
VSG on 06/25/18

Hi All!

I have had a busy morning! But not all bad, which is nice for a change. I had to go to the hospital lab they took a LOT lol. Then went over to the Cancer Center and I thought they might want to take more blood but nope... seems the blood workup they did two weeks ago showed I have pretty healthy blood YAY! My protein is still up a bit but she does not think I have the cancer; I do NOT have any kidney damage like she thought last time, not anemic either. I have to come back in Dec for another blood workup and to see her but she figures that will be the last visit! Yep, I'm pretty happy!

QOTD: What do you do when you can't sleep? I typically get up and do some research or work online.

Week 11

Water, water, water!

M1: Fasting

M2: Egg and Bacon

M3: SF Pumpkin Spice Coffee

M4: Cottage Cheese, 1 OG Meatball

M5: Cottage Cheese Citrus Basil Grilled Chicken w/sm. Basic salad

Daily Snacks: String Cheese

5' 2". 60-year-old (at time of surgery)

HW 239.9, SW 223

GW (Surgeon) 150, GW (Mine) 135


(deactivated member)
on 9/11/18 12:59 pm
VSG on 01/12/17

That's great! Yay for healthy blood!

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