autonomy after vsg

on 8/7/18 9:39 am

Hi all! I had been banned by mistake but I am back!

Thanks a lot for all your input, it has really helped. So far I have decided that if by then I still have no one to drive me home I will trust the hospital to give me enough time to recover or to arrange transportation for me. I was looking into private ambulances and found the right service to contact for my region, and they told me that it has to be arranged directly by the hospital on my discharge day and that they have their contact number. They would not tell me the criteria for eligibility though, apparently it's up to the hospital team to decide if I am eligible. So I will leave it up to them, if they decide I am eligible I will gladly take a ride home in an ambulance (it's about 1h10 by road apparently) and if they don't, I guess they will just have to keep me for a couple more nights until they believe I am in the safe zone.

Oh and guess what, it would be on the NHS lol, I wasn't expecting that and was ready to pay for such a professional service but if they offer.. :)

Also in response to the RNY question I have been given the choice for my treatment, they don't do bands anymore so I could choose sleeve or bypass. If I had been more ill (had diabetes or mobility problems or a higher bmi, etc) I believe the surgeon would have recommended the bypass though.

I have been very very stressed but I am slowly feeling better about that transportation issue. After all, they're not going to be mad at me for having a problem, not everyone can drive, not everyone can give or receive a ride home, it happens so I shouldn't feel so guilty about the situation. Sure I'll be taking a bed for more time than necessary but getting back on my feet is a necessity, right? And I've been paying my taxes for 7 years now and contributing to the system so I am entitled to use it... I think I just don't like to ask for help and rely on people. But I'll make the effort! :)

on 8/7/18 10:05 am

Ah, wonderful! I was worried for you (sorry, I'm a mom. It's hard to turn that switch off).

I'm sure that you're doing this, but make sure that you get a week or two worth of water, sugar-free drinks, and shakes in your home. Might not hurt to get your vitamins purchased, as well as your meds (if they will give you your prescriptions early). This way, you can concentrate on just taking in your liquids, your vitamins and your medications with minimal fuss.

HW: 260 - SW: 250

GW (Surgeon): 170 - GW (Me): 150

on 8/7/18 10:17 am

Thanks! Yes I'm planning to stock protein enriched milk and prepare milk jellies (that's the preop diet here, they made me try it last year to see I could tolerate that much dairy and I'm going to have to start it again for 2 weeks before the operation), shakes and protein waters, I also have special soups enriched with vitamins and minerals for people who can't actually eat and apparently those are allowed post surgery (I had bought them for the milk diet but was told I couldn't have them, pfff). I already have tons of AZ vitamins too :) I'm not a control freak at all I'm just a hoarder lol

on 8/7/18 9:42 pm

Sounds like you're well-positioned. All the best to you!

HW: 260 - SW: 250

GW (Surgeon): 170 - GW (Me): 150

on 9/6/18 8:35 am

hey guys, guess what> so I had my sleeve done on tuesday, and after having told many people about needing postop transportation (at my preop, they on arrival, to nurses, to the surgeon...) and all telling me no prob, I found out on discharge that I'm not eligible! so they sent me hone on my own for a 2 hour train journey, I even asked if I could stay another night and they said nope.

In the end it went well cause I was very clear headed and not in pain anymore but I still struggled to drink enough fluids ( which was the condition the surgeon told me I could leave, he said he'd discharge me if I drank that whole 500ml jar of water and I drak like 150ml lol) but they didn't care apparently.

anyay, now I'm home, I slept soooo much and I slowly drink more confortably despite the crazy gurgles :)

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