Whatcha Eating Today VSGers? Sunday, 6/24/18

(deactivated member)
on 6/24/18 1:05 pm
VSG on 01/12/17

A one to one is where I sit with a single patient all shift rather than do work between many patients on the floor. Usually if a patient comes in with confusion, or is a big fall risk, or a suicide watch they will make them a one on one. For 11 hours, or all 12 if I don't get any of my breaks, I sit with them in their room and just take care of their needs. Since I'm night shift, those needs are very limited normally and I basically listen to them snore while I read, or watch netflix, or color. I do get up to move around the room and probably looked like an insane person last night doing squats in the corner, lunges in that tiny space. Thank goodness no one was awake in there to see me! I definitely need compression socks, I keep saying I'm going to buy them, but always forget them.

H.A.L.A B.
on 6/25/18 4:40 am

My legs got swollen when I sit too much. There are a few things I can do to limit that.

  • Elevate the feet- legs. I.e. if you can eat another chair to put you legs up when you sit
  • Tense units - those little devices - my really that expensive - stimulate my muscles to gently contract. I use them on long car drives and when travel (sitting on a plane).
  • Even doing simple circles with my feet with my legs in a reclining position can cause the blood to get moving. It is more the lymphatic fluids that real blood stagnetion.

When my legs get really swollen because I forgot to use them (sitting too long) just laying down and and raising the legs for 10-15 min can help to drain the liquids.

The leg on a wall yoga pose can really help.


Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 6/24/18 7:56 am
on 6/24/18 8:01 am

QOTD - I like to do run errands in the morning, go grocery shopping, and go to the mall. When i get home I usually like to cook, watch a show, or read a good book!

B: smoothie (0% plain greek yogurt, frozen pineapple, Jordan's skinny coconut syrup)

L: boiled eggs

D: lamb shank, corn on the cobb

S: string cheese

on 6/24/18 11:33 am - Woburn, MA

bon bini, my turn from aruba.

B. Flack seed toast

L. Few bites of husband's burger, onion rings

Frozen drinks...yum

D. Seafood out

Qotd. I usually do laundry, prepare for a new week

VSG on 04/28/2014

(deactivated member)
on 6/24/18 1:08 pm
VSG on 01/12/17

Have fun in Aruba! All of you Aruba goers are making me trip envious! Maybe I'll take a vacation on my 4day stretch off. Not to Aruba, but a day trip somewhere!

on 6/24/18 1:31 pm
VSG on 06/26/17

Have a great time in Aruba :)

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 6/25/18 4:26 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

I hope you love it!

Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 121

on 6/24/18 11:42 am
VSG on 08/11/14

Good afternoon,

Qotd usually have coffee and breakfast then go to church. Then I come home to drink while watching recorded shows. Have lunch then I go visit my dad and stepmom. So it's kind of lazy.

B ham and cheese omelette, string cheese,pork and beans and Hawaiian dinner roll

L tuna, cottage cheese and watermelon

D ham, green beans and grapes

Have a good day

on 6/24/18 1:30 pm
VSG on 06/26/17

Good morning All - Start of the working week for me - DH flew to Sydney last night for work and will be home late Tuesday so I have the house to myself. The small things I got to watch the shows I wanted last night :)

We had a busy weekend up at the farm. Had our dam cleaned out and he also dug 5 metres down to find the underground stream that my hubby and sister knew was there. We will sink a well once we can get the pipes and that will mean we have water for our gardens and trees etc without running out. Hosted a party for our Newphews birthday so I made a huge boiler of Thai Pumpkin Soup and also one of Carrot & Ginger Soup. Was delicious and perfect for a cold winters day

QOTD: Our Sundays pretty much are like any other day as there is always something that needs doing between the 2 properies. For example, yesterday after a quick breakfast, Hubby and I where on the tractor Rotary hoeing one strip of our front fenceline - in preparation for tree planting in a fortnight. We plan on putting 20 gum trees, then 20 medium trees and same with shrubs - they will form a wind break and shade for the animals once grown up.

Havent really planned much so far but ....

B: Yoghurt with Granola

L: Leftover Cheese & Pate on Rice Cakes (from the party)

D: Something from the freezer or soup

Tommorrow is my one year anniversary. So I will weigh myself. Not seeing the surgeon till 11/7 though. My weight seems to have settled 169lbs over the past 4+ weeks. My original plan was to go to 154lbs but I will just see what happens. I feel wonderful and so much healthier - so thankful I did this.

Have a wonderful evening


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