Ideally when can drink alcohol and ideas for low calorie drinks or mocktails

on 6/2/18 4:55 am
RNY on 06/03/15

from what I've read here, I think it does seem to exit quicker for a lot of people. I've only had alcohol (wine) twice since my surgery three years ago, and it seems to stay in my system for quite awhile (and yes, I get really buzzed on just one glass of wine now - yikes!!!)

RNY 06/03/15 by Michael Garren (Madison, WI)

HW: 373 SW: 316 GW: 150 LW: 138 CW: 163

on 6/4/18 6:42 am
VSG on 11/19/14

This weekend my wife and I spent Saturday and Sunday outside, we stained the front porch, planted, etc. 10 hours each day, Last night we sat on our front porch and we each had a glass of wine, sipped it slowly and I can say that I was feeling buzzed. I was amazed and know that there is no way I would be able to have a second glass. My thoughts came to this thread. I maintain at 195-199 so can imagine a much smaller framed person.

Like you I have never in my life taken a chance with drinking and driving. My wife and I have taught our kids the same lesson and Friday night had a 3 am call to go and pick up our 22 year old, our deal has always been that we will never give him a hard time about calling, regardless of time.

  1. Pre- Surgery/ Type 2 Diabetes, High BP and Cholesterol, treated with 6 medications, including Insulin. Post Op- low dose BP med 2022, Mounjaro 10/2023

HW - 299 , Consult day weight - 277, Day of surgery ( 11/19/2014) - 259,LW - 178, GW - 195, CW- 194.2 - reached goal

on 5/31/18 9:40 am
VSG on 11/19/14

My program had all patients sign a waiver that the patient would not consume alcohol within one year of surgery.

I do not drink every week,never drink at home, if I have a drink it is usually a vodka with crystal light in a tall glass. Like others have mentioned , my tolerance is no where close to where it was prior to WLS so one must be careful. Transfer addiction is real.

  1. Pre- Surgery/ Type 2 Diabetes, High BP and Cholesterol, treated with 6 medications, including Insulin. Post Op- low dose BP med 2022, Mounjaro 10/2023

HW - 299 , Consult day weight - 277, Day of surgery ( 11/19/2014) - 259,LW - 178, GW - 195, CW- 194.2 - reached goal

on 5/31/18 10:52 am - CA

We were likewise under contract not to drink during the weight loss period. The doc's alter ego as a liver transplant surgeon doesn't want to see any of his bariatric patients coming back on his transplant table!

1st support group/seminar - 8/03 (has it been that long?)  

Wife's DS - 5/05 w Dr. Robert Rabkin   VSG on 5/9/11 by Dr. John Rabkin


on 5/31/18 5:34 pm - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
On May 30, 2018 at 9:19 PM Pacific Time, 12gigem21 wrote:

HI I'm 6 months out and wondering whether I should drink alcohol. I did have a glass of wine a few days ago and noticed I was really depressed that night.

My doctor said I could drink wine after 3 months but I've heard other doctors think its best to wait one year to let the stomach and liver heal. My goal is to be the healthiest.

If I don't drink, any ideas for good mocktails especially when at lakehouses or other vacations?

If I do drink, ideas for good low calorie ****tails?

Many thanks

just as soon as you want to stop losing weight and start regaining.




on 6/1/18 12:21 pm

My centre in Ontario, Canada is now advising all patients never to consume alcohol after WLS because of the risk of addiction. They have reviewed the data and found that there is significant risk for alcoholism.

Not everyone that drives drunk will get in an accident. Not everyone that drinks after WLS will become an alcoholic. The research indicates a high probability for both, so it is my choice to avoid alcohol, just as I have avoided driving while intoxicated before WLS.

On another note, I like monkeys, I like flying. A flying monkey squadron sounds very cool.

CENTURY CLUB MEMBER at 6 months post-op.

Referral to Guelph Feb/13, Sleep study and all bloodwork and ultrasound May/13, orientation July/13. Nurse, NUT,SW Sept/13, 2nd NUT, nurse and SW, 3rd round and cleared for surgery Dec/13. Pre-op Apr 7/14, Surgeon May 2/14, Opti Jul 3/14, surgery Jul 17/14.

Kathy S.
on 6/1/18 2:28 pm - InTheBurbs, XX
RNY on 08/29/04 with

Here are a few articles, research and decide for yourself. I never went off my plan until 18 months after I reached goal. My weight loss and tool was to precious to me to muck it up!

Sugar Alcohols & WLS ... the Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Should WLS Post-Ops Drink Alcohol After Surgery?

Drinking Alcohol After Weight Loss Surgery

Crossing The Line To Cross Addiction

Transfer Addiction After WLS: Are You Likely To Trade One Bad Habit For Another?

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

(deactivated member)
on 6/2/18 3:51 pm

I am posting since I have a lot of experience with alcohol. Hi my name is Susan and I am an alcoholic.

I was a hard hitter drinker before surgery. I drank to get wasted. Not to feel.

After surgery I thought I was cured from my addiction of food and booze. Well I decided at three months out I would try a glass of wine. At first it was just one glass or two. It escalated to my usual benders of drinking.

When I went to get my liver enzymes checked they were 50 times higher than they should be. Guess what I was worried about. I was worried that I could never drink again. Not that I could die. Leave my kids and family heartbroken.

When I started drinking again. I stopped my weight loss. I was a size 28 plus. Now I am a size 12/14 depending on where I shop.

I would love to be thinner. The weight loss process at almost five years out is a lot slower. It is magic in the beginning. I still feel restriction.

I have been sober for over two years now. With the help of therapy and going to AA meetings has helped me.

I am posting since I know for some food is an addiction. And we can replace food addictions with other items.

Stopping drinking was one of the best things I did for me. I have relationships with my kids. I actually have fun without alcohol.

Having the surgery really has made me realize that I am an addict. It has made me grow up and get honest with myself.

If you didn't drink before surgery I wouldn't start.

This past week a very dear friend lost his brother to the disease of alcoholism. He also lost his two sisters to the disease.

I know my posts seem like I am a no it all. I am not. I am just a person who is honest and I truly care about others.

on 6/4/18 6:34 am
VSG on 11/19/14

Susan - Thank you for sharing, you are an inspiration. I have helped a relative ( SIL) battle addiction so I am fully aware what a challenge this is and I applaud you. I talk to my SIL often just to let her know how proud I am of her and I am so happy to hear you are two years sober!!!

  1. Pre- Surgery/ Type 2 Diabetes, High BP and Cholesterol, treated with 6 medications, including Insulin. Post Op- low dose BP med 2022, Mounjaro 10/2023

HW - 299 , Consult day weight - 277, Day of surgery ( 11/19/2014) - 259,LW - 178, GW - 195, CW- 194.2 - reached goal

(deactivated member)
on 6/4/18 6:38 am

Thank you. To be honest I share to help others but it helps me too.

I think my good addiction is worse than my addiction for alcohol. Sugar is the devil.

i share since I don't want anyone to go through what I have been through and what I have put my family through.

I could totally blame life's problems on why I did what i did. But I am an addict.

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