General Question ...Sort of

on 5/21/18 8:52 am
VSG on 09/19/17

I know different people lose weight at different speeds even with surgeries to help assist in the weight loss process but I have come across an issue that I'm kind of unsure about how to handle it.

I got the VSG procedure done back in sept 1017 and the first post op appointment went really well. But the second appointment the doctor was less than happy because for some reason his scales were telling me I gained about 15 to 20 lbs after losing about 40lbs within a 2 week period. Now I'm not certain why that happened because all my doctors scales and the scales at the local hospital as well as my own scale had read much differently by comparison which I know there is always...ALWAYS a difference in scales so I expected some difference. But the doctor seemed to get down right irate and started to threaten to stop seeing me after only two post op visits. I tried telling this surgeon that it could be my thyroid acting out since he had taken me off of all my meds two weeks before the surgery itself but he wouldn't listen. I tried to be patient with this doctor but I noticed that even before the surgery he was always telling me how no one ever see's him after the one year appointment and how sometimes his patients sit in his office and bawl because they are gaining weight but then they never come back.

Now he's done this same thing to me, only I haven't been to see him since the second post op appointment because I feel like all he actually spent his time doing is setting me up for failure since 90% of the success of these surgeries seem to me to rely on postive reinforcement rather than the constant negative talk I was recieving post op as well as pre op. I want to find another doctor but I've heard that insurances will not do that no matter the reason or I would have switched doctors before the surgery. I'm not sure what to do about this cause I need to keep up with the doctor visits but god help me I can't face the doctor that did my surgery because he's so negative and seems to always expect the worse no matter what I do or try. I just really want a different doctor. Is there anything that can be done? I know insurance can be wierd but I can't continue to be successful if my doctor is tearing me down while I"m trying to build myself up.

on 5/21/18 9:37 am
VSG on 09/19/17

That is actually supposed to be 2017 Sorry idk why I put 1017.

Gina 22 years out
on 5/21/18 2:21 pm - Burleson, TX

ELLEINA - if I am understanding you correcting, it seems you think you need the positive reinforcements/"atta girls"/etc, in order to prove your own self worth

There was a time I felt the same way, but, with age...and experience, I guess...I came into MY OWN...and I pray YOU will also

YOU are ALL YOU need...NOT NOT NOT saying we cannot benefit from the guidance/support/love of others...I'm HERE, on OH...most everyday...because I NEED to be ...but...when I cannot be here, I am still able to stay on my food plan, etc, because I know I am worth the effort

I hope I am conveying the message I am trying to say

RNY 4-22-02...

LW: 6lb,10 oz SW:340lb GW:170lb CW:155

We Can Do Hard Things

Janet P.
on 5/21/18 9:39 am
On May 21, 2018 at 3:52 PM Pacific Time, elleina77 wrote:

I know different people lose weight at different speeds even with surgeries to help assist in the weight loss process but I have come across an issue that I'm kind of unsure about how to handle it.

I got the VSG procedure done back in sept 1017 and the first post op appointment went really well. But the second appointment the doctor was less than happy because for some reason his scales were telling me I gained about 15 to 20 lbs after losing about 40lbs within a 2 week period. Now I'm not certain why that happened because all my doctors scales and the scales at the local hospital as well as my own scale had read much differently by comparison which I know there is always...ALWAYS a difference in scales so I expected some difference. But the doctor seemed to get down right irate and started to threaten to stop seeing me after only two post op visits. I tried telling this surgeon that it could be my thyroid acting out since he had taken me off of all my meds two weeks before the surgery itself but he wouldn't listen. I tried to be patient with this doctor but I noticed that even before the surgery he was always telling me how no one ever see's him after the one year appointment and how sometimes his patients sit in his office and bawl because they are gaining weight but then they never come back.

Now he's done this same thing to me, only I haven't been to see him since the second post op appointment because I feel like all he actually spent his time doing is setting me up for failure since 90% of the success of these surgeries seem to me to rely on postive reinforcement rather than the constant negative talk I was recieving post op as well as pre op. I want to find another doctor but I've heard that insurances will not do that no matter the reason or I would have switched doctors before the surgery. I'm not sure what to do about this cause I need to keep up with the doctor visits but god help me I can't face the doctor that did my surgery because he's so negative and seems to always expect the worse no matter what I do or try. I just really want a different doctor. Is there anything that can be done? I know insurance can be wierd but I can't continue to be successful if my doctor is tearing me down while I"m trying to build myself up.

Well of course no one goes back to this doctor - he sounds like an a$$.

You mention you want to switch doctors but "heard that insurances will not do that no matter the reason". Not sure what you mean by this. Have you called YOUR insurance company to ask? Some people never go back to see their surgeon post-op. Most weight loss surgeons are only good for one thing - cutting.

I suggest you call your insurance company and ask them specifically about going to a different doctor.

Remember you've already had your surgery so in reality you don't need the surgeon anymore. You just need a doctor (either an internist or just a GP) who understands your surgery (with the sleeve that shouldn't be too difficult).

Janet in Leesburg
DS 2/25/03
Hazem Elariny

on 5/21/18 9:46 am
VSG on 08/23/16

If you think its your thyroid, go to your primary care doctor or endocrinologist (since you were on thyroid meds before), get a blood work slip and go see them. The only way to tell if your thyroid is off is blood work.

As for the scale, I just saw my doc for my 18 month post op visit - his scale was 2-2.5 pounds heavier than my scale at home. The scale at my gym is within a pound of my home scale. So a few pounds, not a big deal. In fact, my doc told me to expect 4-5 pound swings within a week depending on what I eat, amount of sal****er retention, etc.

But 40 pounds isn't a scale issue.

Call your insurance co about switching docs - I don't see what the problem would be since you already had surgery so long as the new doc is in your plan.

Best of luck.

Keep on losing!


HW 271.5 (April 2016) SW 246.9 (8/23/16) CW 158 (5/2/18)

on 5/21/18 10:01 am
VSG on 12/14/17

I'm sorry that you have had this experience. It sounds truly awful.

Point 1-Not losing weight-Are you sticking to the basics? Any surgery can be "eaten around" once fully healed. Get plenty of water (I shoot for 80 oz but alway**** 64), get your protein in, and stay away from chips, crackers, bread, pasta, rice, fried food, etc. Don't drink any calories. I've been bad a few times, so I am well aware how easy it is to eat ice cream or mashed potatoes. Just don't do it during loss phase.

Point 2-Your doctor sounds like a complete jerk. My surgeon has been nothing but kind and encouraging for every post-op visit. My practice requires 1 month, 3 month, 6 month, and 1-year appointments because my surgeon is very thorough.I've heard that this is atypical; there may not be a reason that you have to keep seeing him. Meeting with the dietician and support group is optional. I still have my labs drawn by my PCP, though.

Many people never see their surgeon again after surgery. This is not my experience, but every practice is different. A PCP that's knowledgeable about WLS can help you, I'm sure. Call your insurance, see who you can see. Then, call around and see who has seen previous WLS patients.

Good luck!!!! Don't feel defeated! Keep moving forward, researching, and advocating for yourself. :-)

Amanda 12/2016 HW: 393 11/2017 Consult: 378 12/2018 SW: 350

2/2018: 309 3/6/2018: Broke a barrier! 297 4/2018: 286 5/2018: 279

Pre-op: -28 M1: -25 M2: -16 M3: -12 M4: -11 M5: -7

Short-term Goal: 250 by August 15th!

on 5/21/18 11:22 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
On May 21, 2018 at 3:52 PM Pacific Time, elleina77 wrote:

I know different people lose weight at different speeds even with surgeries to help assist in the weight loss process but I have come across an issue that I'm kind of unsure about how to handle it.

I got the VSG procedure done back in sept 1017 and the first post op appointment went really well. But the second appointment the doctor was less than happy because for some reason his scales were telling me I gained about 15 to 20 lbs after losing about 40lbs within a 2 week period. Now I'm not certain why that happened because all my doctors scales and the scales at the local hospital as well as my own scale had read much differently by comparison which I know there is always...ALWAYS a difference in scales so I expected some difference. But the doctor seemed to get down right irate and started to threaten to stop seeing me after only two post op visits. I tried telling this surgeon that it could be my thyroid acting out since he had taken me off of all my meds two weeks before the surgery itself but he wouldn't listen. I tried to be patient with this doctor but I noticed that even before the surgery he was always telling me how no one ever see's him after the one year appointment and how sometimes his patients sit in his office and bawl because they are gaining weight but then they never come back.

Now he's done this same thing to me, only I haven't been to see him since the second post op appointment because I feel like all he actually spent his time doing is setting me up for failure since 90% of the success of these surgeries seem to me to rely on postive reinforcement rather than the constant negative talk I was recieving post op as well as pre op. I want to find another doctor but I've heard that insurances will not do that no matter the reason or I would have switched doctors before the surgery. I'm not sure what to do about this cause I need to keep up with the doctor visits but god help me I can't face the doctor that did my surgery because he's so negative and seems to always expect the worse no matter what I do or try. I just really want a different doctor. Is there anything that can be done? I know insurance can be wierd but I can't continue to be successful if my doctor is tearing me down while I"m trying to build myself up.

99% of the siccess of WLS is not positive reinforcement, it is what and how much you choose to put on your mouth.

At 8 months post op you don't even need a surgeon unless you are having complications.

"15-20" pounds gained at second post op visit. First of all, weight is not a range. When you step on the scale you have either lost or gained a set amount, there is no "15-20 " pound range.

Secondly, you didn't gain 16-20 pounds. There had to have been something wrong with his scale.




on 5/21/18 12:14 pm
VSG on 09/19/17

First why do you sound so aggressive? Just wondering.


I have found for me 90% of my success includes positive reinforcement the other 10% is diet and exercise. You can have all the tools given to you but unless there is some positive reinforcement in some way no one would bother with the surgeries or exercising. It's all in perspective. I see losing inches and pounds as positive reinforcement, as well as having a positive outlook on life. When I am depressed the weight loss slows down because there is very little positivity in anything I feel or do at those times. So I stick to what I originally said about success being 90% positive reinforcement and 10% action.

H.A.L.A B.
on 5/21/18 1:35 pm, edited 5/21/18 11:55 am

On May 21, 2018 at 7:14 PM Pacific Time, elleina77 wrote:

First why do you sound so aggressive? Just wondering.


I have found for me 90% of my success includes positive reinforcement the other 10% is diet and exercise. You can have all the tools given to you but unless there is some positive reinforcement in some way no one would bother with the surgeries or exercising. It's all in perspective. I see losing inches and pounds as positive reinforcement, as well as having a positive outlook on life. When I am depressed the weight loss slows down because there is very little positivity in anything I feel or do at those times. So I stick to what I originally said about success being 90% positive reinforcement and 10% action.

I don't think she was aggressive. She was very direct, but aggressive? not really..

The action of the person who need to lose weight is 95% success. 5% is the rest.

I am sorry you felt the doc berated you. That is not nice, but if you weighed in other places - did the scale in other places show gain or losses?

I have my home scale. My doc scale can be off by 2-4 lbs. That may depend what time of the day I am at the doc, the clothes I have on, etc.

If someone gained 15-20 lbs in 2 weeks either their diet was horribly wrong, or there is something wrong with the scale, either 2 weeks before that or at that time. Most docs have often more than one scale. If you were sure you lost weight or even maintained - You could have asked them to weigh you on a different scale.

On any other doc scales - anywhere - or at home - how much weight did you lose since Sept 2017?

When 6 years post op I regained 20 lbs my PCP told me that my BMI is getting close to Obese range and that I need to lose 20 lbs. He told me to come back in 3 months with at least 15 lbs loss.

It was not nice to hear his comment - but he was looking for my best interest. So 3 months later - I lost 18 lbs.

I think you need to look closely at your post op diet and situation. You need to look at what y need to change to be successful.

  • How much weight did you have to lose post op?
  • What is your current weight?
  • how much did you lose so far?
  • If you think thyroid is your problem,or water retention, have you see any other doc to find out?

Surgery is a serious thing. You have your insides changed to help you to lose weight. But you need to put a work to it.

WLS is just a tool. Not sure if the center explained to you what you need to do.

I hope you find help.

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

Sparklekitty, Science-Loving Derby Hag
on 5/21/18 1:55 pm
RNY on 08/05/19

If positive thinking led to weight loss, none of us would have had surgery in the first place!

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!

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