Whatcha Eating Today VSGers? Friday, May 11, 2018

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 5/11/18 4:48 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

Welcome to Friday! I hope you had a decent week and have a good weekend planned. My weekend will be full of celebrating DD's 30th Birthday and Mother's Day.

QOTD: Will you be celebrating Mother's Day at all? If so, are you a mother or are you honoring your mother (or someone else)? Who will you be celebrating with? I am going to a brunch early Sunday with DD and her friends for a combination birthday and Mother's Day celebration. Then we will redo with family for dinner at DS's restaurant (he is executive chef). Because DD's Birthday is so close to Mothers Day the two celebrations have been intertwined for the last 30 years. This is the first year that I am the oldest of the Mothers being celebrated as my own mother died 8 years ago and MIL died last year. Our dinner celebration will have 3 mothers: SIL, me, and our son's birthmother (DS was adopted when 4 days old, but his adoption has been fully open for most of his life).

2 Years, 1.5 months post-op

Always lots of coffee...

B: Eggs scrambled with cottage cheese and Canadian bacon

L: Tuna salad with pickles and cottage cheese

D: Prime rib (if we go out) or leftover Hake (fish)

S: yogurt

Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 121

on 5/11/18 4:58 am - Woburn, MA

Good morning and happy Friday.

QOTD: When I was young, I used to wish I could have a mother's day for myself, but now I really miss both my MIL (gone 29 years) and my mother (gone 17 years). This year we will go to my daughters and she is going to grill - my son will come too. Happy happy!!

B: there is no food in the house and my husband is asleep. I can't leave the dog because I have to stare at him. LOL He had surgery this week and needs supervision.

L: idk

D: bought steak and a bag of salad last night (I can manage this with the grill and no kitchen) - but my daughter came by with chinese so it was put on hold.

E: no exercise for the dog for 2 weeks and he is my excuse to walk... : /

L/V: good

VSG on 04/28/2014

Jess Says Yes
on 5/11/18 7:14 am
VSG on 10/24/17

Hi all! I'm still in sunny Florida. We head out tomorrow.

QOTD: Typically the whole family gets together to celebrate my mother and each of us who are mothers (me, my older sister, and my two sisters-in-law). This year we'll be getting back from vacation so we may just each celebrate within our own families.

b - Coffee & protein

l - turkey & cheddar

d - tbd, hopefully seafood :)


To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all. - Oscar Wilde

Age: 36 Height: 5'9" HW:326 GW:180

Pre-op:-32 M1-26 M2-11 M3-13 M4-10 M5-13 M6-8 M7-12 M8-7 M9-7 M10-0 M11-11

(deactivated member)
on 5/11/18 7:46 am
VSG on 01/12/17

Good morning. Will be a little shorter today for posting since I'm on a day trip. Second part of our outing this week before I start work. Going to a wildlife reserve museum and aquarium out away from me as well as some botanical gardens!

QOTD: These events out this week are part of Mother's Day for my grandma. I also bought her a Fitbit like mine which I will give her Sunday. I did less for my mother which on some levels I feel guilty for because I know I only did it out of some obligation I feel.

Breakfast- half a premier protein 2 egg whites about an hour and a half after

Luncb- tuna pouch, mama lupes low carb tortilla, cucumber

Dinner- tbd but really wanting fish again, maybe scallops or blackenened catfish we will see!

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 5/11/18 8:07 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

It sounds like your Grandma was perhaps more of a mother to you? I had a strained relationship with my mother for a long time because she was an alcoholic. It was only after she stopped drinking that I really got to know her and forged a good relationship.

Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 121

(deactivated member)
on 5/11/18 11:43 am
VSG on 01/12/17

Yes my grandma adopted me when I was younger. My mom and step dad were addicts and abusers. She has gotten clean over the last few years, but it is too late for me to have a bond with her

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 5/11/18 12:12 pm - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

I understand. I'm glad you have your grandma!

Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 121

Kristi T.
on 5/11/18 10:16 am - MT
VSG on 02/09/16

Good morning! Sounds like you will be surrounded by lots of love this weekend Liz

It's still cool and rainy here, we have so many flood warnings and even a few areas with evacuations. It is supposed to be a dry weekend, but very warm. It is good and bad, means a lot of snow melting and even more flooding.

Another Friday of taking my mom to the casino. I am bringing Emmy so I can take her for a hike while my mother does some gambling. I got to thinking a lot of about transfer addiction after yesterday's QOTD. Gambling provides the same kind of "numbness" that food used to provide for me. I need to be extra careful.

QOTD-My mother and I are going with my aunt and uncle(my mom's brother) to a Mothers Day buffet at a lodge about 1 1/2 hours away. It is a beautiful lodge that sits on the edge of a Bison Range that is managed by the Salish-Kootenai Tribe. There will be snow crab and prime rib, lots of protein!

B-Bullet Coffee and 1/2 Quest protein bar

L-Scrambled eggs w/pepper jack cheese

S-Chai tea w/cream & stevia

D-Apple chicken sausage and cabbage boil

E-Hike with Emmy

Have a lovely Friday!

on 5/11/18 11:13 am
VSG on 08/11/14

Good afternoon,

The last two days I've been depressed, don't want to get up and today I'm not hungry but I know I have to eat. I called my doctor to have them put my dosage back up to twice a day. I have support group tonight, it's a depression class so maybe I'll feel better after.

Qotd my mom has passed away almost 21 years ago but my dad remarried a wonderful lady. She got him to go to church, he hugs me now and tells me he loves me. I will celebrate her with my brother and her ex daughter in law since one of her kids has passed away and her daughter lives in Florida so she only have us. Will have dinner at their house.

Not sure what I'm eating today. They serve dinner at support group so I never know what they're having.

Have a good day

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 5/11/18 12:13 pm - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

I'm sorry you are feeling depressed. I hope you feel better soon.

Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 121

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