Day 4 - Nausea, constipation & trying to stay hydrated .

on 5/7/18 3:39 pm


To be frank, I have began to doubt the decision to have the VSG procedure. Seriously, here I am trying to do everything right and follow instructions to a 'T' and yet somehow I am right back in the hospital unit where it all started. I was re-admitted Saturday (day 4), after being home just one day. My team of doctors have ran additional tests, and labs. They've began treating the nuasea with Zolfran every 4-hours. Labs revealed that I am potassium and magnesium deficit and very dehydrated. So, i've been plugged into an IV for 48-hours. Because of all of the vomiting and dry heaves my doctors ordered an image test under fluoro contrast. Fortunately, no tears or obstructions were found and everything is moving. I'll be honest, I had began to feel heightened anxiety about this decision... Just wondering if my new tummy will alwaysbe this dramatic going forward. I've never been so ill, and nauseous my entire life. When will it end?

I am being discharged this afternoon.


Highest Weight = 279lbs.
VSG Surgery Weight = 253 lbs.

Goal Weight = 175 lbs. (5'5)


on 5/8/18 5:12 am
VSG on 09/08/15

I am almost three years out and no problems at all. I went through a period of not so good times - I had to have gall bladder out and then hernia surgery a year after my WLS and had bad reflux. Now it is smooth sailing. Just be strong and no that to get to that good place sometimes you have to climb a few mountains :) I promise it goes away and you won't even remember what the bad felt like!! I hope you feel better soon and one day you will not doubt your decision and will be so glad you did it.


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