Back with (some) Regain

on 4/22/18 5:59 pm
VSG on 05/05/14

My own fault, old habits die hard. I know what I need to do and am starting right now. I hope you will let me hang out with you all, as I find you guys so motivating and positive. Sleeved in May 2014 and hoping to get 30 pounds off. It is so easy to revert to old habits and get complacent. This is a lifelong program, and I need to work the tool I was given. I can do this!


HW: 275 SW:272 CW: 165.3

on 4/23/18 4:46 am
VSG on 06/01/14

I've walked in your shoes! I had VSG in June 2014 and did great, I was THE model patient. did everything by the book. Then, life hit me hard. I moved, changed jobs, went back to school, graduated, lost a parent, went back to school again, switched to night shift- well you get the picture!

Through the first 2 years post op I did fine, I lost my weight and ate like I should. Around year 2.5 I decided to 'test the waters' a bit and well, it all went downhill. I regained over 35 lbs of my initial 80 lb loss. Several health problems resurfaced and I found myself depressed, exhausted from my schedule.

Finally, a health issue smacked me square in the face and I got my act together. Although not for everyone, I found that Keto was the best option for me. I lost 40 lbs since November 18 and feel great. The health issue is pretty much disappeared.

Nobody can tell you what works best for you, but i'll cheer you on as you make the efforts to get back on track!

Gwen M.
on 4/23/18 6:09 am
VSG on 03/13/14

I had my VSG about 2 months before you and I can say that it's still possible to keep losing weight. It is easy to fall back to the habits we formed over our lifetimes before WLS, but we do things because they're hard.

You can do this.

VSG with Dr. Salameh - 3/13/2014
Diagnosed with Binge Eating Disorder and started Vyvanse - 7/22/2016
Reconstructive Surgeries with Dr. Michaels - 6/5/2017 (LBL & brachioplasty), 8/14/2017 (UBL & mastopexy), 11/6/2017 (medial leg lift)

Age 42 Height 5'4" HW 319 (1/3/2014) SW 293 (3/13/2014) CW 149 (7/16/2017)
Next Goal 145 - normal BMI | Total Weight Lost 170

TrendWeight | Food Blog (sort of functional) | Journal (down for maintenance)

on 4/24/18 4:38 am
VSG on 05/05/14

Thank you both for the encouragement, it is nice to know that you are not alone. I have let me eating go over the past year or so, and gaining 35 pounds back, with the tight/bigger clothes has been an eye opener. I will never be that person who doesn't have to think about how and what they eat. Luckily I have remained very active so reeling in the diet is the biggest challenge. ??


HW: 275 SW:272 CW: 165.3

Kathy S.
on 4/25/18 1:05 pm - InTheBurbs, XX
RNY on 08/29/04 with
You have already taken the hardest step by saying enough is enough and now I want to get back on track. I maintained 118-125 for over 10 years after losing 200 pounds. Due to a personal tragedy I gained and hit the 190 mark a year ago. After several starts it finally clicked and I am back to goal losing 70 pounds of regain. Here are some steps that helped me and I hope they will help you too! You may have several starts and stops but don't give up, don't beat yourself up. IT WILL CLICK!!! Our tool works if we work the tool and get back to the basics.


Remember when we were preparing for surgery? How many meetings, classes and such did we attend? We were told the more prepared we were the better our chances were for success. And they were right. Go through the house, car and work place and get rid of trigger foods. Stock up on foods that will keep you on track. I removed every bad carb/sugar temptation and replaced it with lots of protein, veggies, grains and fruits.


Get back to journaling. This will help you identify when you feel like eating, stress factors and any triggers in your life. Once you identify these factors, this will help you put tools in place to keep you from eating. It became clear I was not taking time for me anymore. I worked my day job and then spent the rest of my time caring for my husband. It was easy to reach for fast, prepackaged food. Since I purged my home I have to eat clean as there are no other options LOL

Use a tool to track you're eating and exercise like Getting Started with Health Tracker. Once I started to track ever bite and drink it became clear why I had gained.


Make a list of goals for yourself. Make them realistic and small. Some of mine were move more, purge all junk from my home, eat more protein. If you didn't make a Weight Loss Surgery bucket list when you first had surgery do it now. GREAT reminder of all the things you can enjoy in life after losing weight.


In general, a long term post-weight loss surgery eating plan includes foods that are high in protein, and low in fat?, calories, and sugar. Important, vitamins and minerals are provided as supplements. (if you had a different surgery adjust this to your food plan).


Water is our Best Friend. I have to say I never went back to pop or any bad drinks, however I was drinking tea like crazy. What is wrong with drinking tea? I was either using sugar or 3 equals and 3 sweet n lows per 32 ounce glass. I found once I started carrying one of the metal bottles of water to keep it cold I drank water all day.


I can't say enough about how key this was for me. The reason I kept my weight off for almost 10 years was no matter what, I kept moving. If I could not go to the gym I would walk. Grab a cart and walk all the isles at your local box store. I loved Zumba, bootcamp workouts, lifting weights. When I stopped, the weight started coming back. So for me I am starting slow to avoid injury by walking and using some of the workouts on my Demand TV. Find something you love to do and it won't feel like a pain in the *** to do daily.


If it's an option "run" don't walk to a support group. Come here on OH daily for support and participate in one of the food threads. It helps you be accountable and also great ideas for food prep.

Keep me posted on how you are doing.

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

on 5/3/18 1:51 am - Canada

I had surgery Feb 2014 and have had regain as well. I'm trying Keto to get back on track but thought I'd check in here as well daily for the support. We can do this!

HW:334PreopW:304SW:276CW:195 Mth1:24 Mth2:15 Mth3:12 Mth4:10 Mth5:10 Mth6:5 Mth7:10 Mth8:4 Mth9:6 Mth10:7 Mth 11:4

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