Whatcha Eating Today VSGers? Monday, April 16, 2018

on 4/16/18 8:51 am
VSG on 08/11/14

I understand what you're going through Liz, I worked alot of years taking care dementia patients. Its a hard job to be patience.

Been to the laundromat and now at the tire place to get new rims since my tires keep leaking. Then I'll take a friend on errands and tonight support group.

Qotd I have all the control of my life but sometimes i wish i didn't

B egg mcmuffin and string cheese

L tuna, cottage cheese and honeycrisp apple

D don't know due to eating at support group.

Have a good day

on 4/16/18 9:15 am

QOTD: It's not the same, but I get tired of being in charge of everything in my life being single. So if friends or family want to plan something I'm all for it!

B - coffee, yogurt, berries, grain free granola

L - egg while, turkey sausage sandwich

D - chicken marbella (chicken, dried plums, green olives capers, white wine sauce)

S - protein shake

on 4/16/18 9:30 am
VSG on 08/23/16

QOTD: We split a lot of stuff. He started doing the laundry years ago when I was in a boot for about a year due to an ankle injury and couldn't go down the basement steps. I meal plan and shop. We plan vacations together. He does some bills, I do others. I am the queen of the calendar for the family though in terms of day-to-day operations.

B - Coffee protein shake ****d coffee, chocolate protein powder, 2T vanilla Oikos and ice)

Snack - Oikos peach triple zero

Lunch - salad with 3 ounces of homemade chicken salad

snack - cukes and hummus

pre-workout - hard boiled egg

dinner - whatever I can find when i get home at 9:30 tonight after fencing for 2.5 hours.

Already 32 ounces of water in for today. And more coffee. All. The. Coffee.

Keep on losing!


HW 271.5 (April 2016) SW 246.9 (8/23/16) CW 158 (5/2/18)

on 4/16/18 10:09 am - Woburn, MA

Cold, rainy, freezing gross Monday here - (and it's Marathon day).

QOTD: I am feeling like a control freak responding to this as I manage all the money, food, travel, cleaning, laundry, etc. My husband is in charge of the outdoors stuff, the pool, his car.

B: 1/2 english muffin with peanut butter

L: 1/2-3/4 grilled cheese

D: hot dogs with potatoes and onions

D: - frozen custard is opening today 2 miles from my house. This is dangerous. My daughter and I decided that we are going to try to walk there when we indulge. However, today is cold, rainy, freezing, etc. My daughter is severely jetlagged returning from Thailand - so I may not get there. I have, obsessed about it all day tho haha.

VSG on 04/28/2014

(deactivated member)
on 4/16/18 10:18 am
VSG on 01/12/17

Hey all. My work canceled me today for over staffing purposes. I am out of PTO so that is actually upsetting especially since I have to go to court tomorrow which is another day. It's frustrating, but I spent my morning putting in applications for hospitals.

QOTD: I really require full control over planning my meals. People often chastise me for being a control freak about it, but I need to know what is in it and how much is in it. Activities not so much, I am spur of the moment nd do whatever someone wants of me.

Breakfast- Nature's Own wheat plus protein bread with whipped Greek cream cheese with only half an egg since I dropped the other half.

Lunch- left over dry ribs

Dinner- Tyson fully cooked chicken tenderloin and a baby bel

snack- chobani with pb2

Kristi T.
on 4/16/18 10:21 am - MT
VSG on 02/09/16

Good morning! Packing can be so overwhelming Liz, take care of yourself. I know you don't want to leave the warmth of Florida, but soon the Cape will be warm too!!!

Not much planned for the day, the trip to the Wildlife Preserve was lovely yesterday. The sun came out for a few minutes. The first picture was our view from our table at the restaurant and the second one is Emmy napping behind the curtains. I snuck up on her:-)

QOTD-I plan just about everything and it is hard for me to let go of control, it makes me really uncomfortable. Like Cecily, I am single but my mom does live with me. I would like for her to take control every once in awhile, but she can't. So I guess it does work out for the most part.

B-Bullet coffee

L-canned chicken with mayo and pickles, string cheese

S-Chai tea, 1/2 apple with almond butter if I need it.

D-Homemade green chili and egg casserole, side veggie of some sort.

E-Hike with Emmy if it stops raining.

Have a wonderful day!

on 4/16/18 11:03 am
VSG on 12/14/17

Good morning! Another crazy Monday....had a parent call up here today because I canceled tutoring for a doctor's appointment. It kind of ruffled my feathers. Tutoring is an extra responsibility that we are not required to do. As such, I cancel it when I have other matters that I need to attend to (keep in mind, I live 40 minutes away) The child has been pestering me because she hasn't passed her state assessment to graduate, but she's done NONE of the work that I have assigned online or sent home. GRAWR. I've canceled four times all year, which I think is pretty great considering I offer it (ON MY OWN) every Monday and some Wednesdays. I feel unappreciated and a bit whiny today. Sorry!

QOTD: Well, I have some control issues initiated by some life problems. My father passed when I was 15, and my mother is a raging alcoholic. So, I took over and made sure the mortgage, lights, water, and phones got paid immediately when my father's benefit money came in each month. Then, my mom would typically blow the rest on drugs and alcohol. I got a job in high school to ensure we had money for others things we needed. My mom developed encephalopathy from her excessive drinking when I was 20, and now she has short-term memory loss and dementia. I ensure that her mortgage, lights, water, and phone bill are paid each month. Then, I pay our rent, lights, water, car notes, car insurances, phone bills, etc. Then I check all of our bank accounts (I'm on my mother's and brother's because he was 14 when he started working and he needed an adult on his and my mother is not legally capable of handling her own finances anymore) and ensure that none are overdrawn. I do all the grocery shopping for my house and my brother and sister usually try to stock my mother up. I fill her medicine box every Sunday. I take her to all of her doctor appointments; I also schedule my appointments and my nephew's checkups. It's tiring. Sometimes, I just want to lay down and not move for a few hours so that I can mentally process it all (haha!) The last few days of the month are rough with getting everything done. I've tried to delegate, but then things get behind or messed up. Now, I get so anxious when I let others do things that I can barely handle it.

M1: salsa chicken and a few baked tortilla chips

M2: 1.5 string cheese sticks

M3: premier protein shake (drink it on the way home, probably)

M4: I'm hoping for more salsa chicken. If it's gone, I'll probably make a salad with some leftover buffalo chicken lunchmeat and some goat cheese.

Has anyone else discovered the Skinny Girl dressings? They are so cheap, lowfat, no sugar...winner!

Amanda 12/2016 HW: 393 11/2017 Consult: 378 12/2018 SW: 350

2/2018: 309 3/6/2018: Broke a barrier! 297 4/2018: 286 5/2018: 279

Pre-op: -28 M1: -25 M2: -16 M3: -12 M4: -11 M5: -7

Short-term Goal: 250 by August 15th!

on 4/16/18 8:00 pm

That is so much on your shoulders on top of being a teacher, which I think is the hardest, most thankless, least well paid, most necessary job in the world!

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 4/17/18 4:13 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

Wow - that is a LOT of responsibility. I need to stop whining! I too am an adult child of an alcoholic so my need to have control started there as well, but sometimes I just get a little tired. I guess it is a good thing I'm retired now.

Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 121

on 4/16/18 12:03 pm
VSG on 08/19/14

I have come to the realization I don't need to eat breakfast! I am not hungry in the morning and most of the literature says don't eat if you are not hungry, so let's see how this goes.

I also am very cognizant of how little food I do need. I think I have been over feeding myself. I am going back to my small plates. I had got into the habit of serving both my husband and me on large dinner plates. My husband usually commented on how much food I was throwing out.

And yes, I am a control freak. I ran a large medical clinic for 34 years and did not deligate well . Trying in retirement to lay back a bit.

B. coffee

L. cheese stick and hard boiled egg

s. dry roasted peanuts.

D. hamburger patty 3 oz and 1/4 cup cottage cheese

s. orange

exercise. rode my stationary bike 8 miles with increased resistance. Cleaned the pantry and under kitchen sink.



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