Ticker and signature problems
Anyone else having problems updating Ticker and Signature areas from your phone? When I go to the settings for these areas, they are now blocked by other OH stuff on the webpage. Like transparent OH text. It is so strange and hard to explain, but I see the areas behind the weird transparent text, but unable to choose anything.

on 4/5/18 6:23 pm
I don't think the forum software has been updated since 1999.
Maybe it is iPhone. I don't recall my phone being updated. This has been for about a week. Oh well, guess I'll have to log onto my laptop.

on 4/6/18 3:58 pm
I usually get on here with my iPad. Emoticons don't work, characters like apostrophes don't work, and often capitalization stops working intermittently. I suspect if they fixed things up some, they'd get more participation. That's just a guess. Even if they upgrade the software, there are always the flying monkeys to deal with.
Yeah it?s amazing how dead this forum is. I also believe there is a group of people that are so rude and condescending in their responses that they scare folks away, but I won?t go on a tangent. I'll try my tablet. Thanks!