on 4/3/18 3:45 pm
VSG on 01/25/18

I had VSG on 1/2018 I week later I had DKA anyone else went through this? If so how long before you was cured of diabetes or do you still suffer from it?

Valerie G.
on 4/13/18 5:19 am - Northwest Mountains, GA

What are your symptoms?

Just making sure it's actually ketoacidosis you're experiencing and not just ketosis, which is quite common.

DS 2005

There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes

on 4/13/18 5:51 am
VSG on 01/25/18

I was weak and couldn't drink or eat anything thing I could barely seat up so I went to the hospital and they said I had DKA never had it before the surgery

Valerie G.
on 4/13/18 2:22 pm - Northwest Mountains, GA

Did they actually test you for it or dehydration, because your symptoms sound a lot like dehydration too. It hits hard and fast the first year, and the first symptoms are fatigue and nausea.

DS 2005

There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes

on 4/13/18 2:36 pm
VSG on 01/25/18

They drew my blood and a endocrinologist came and explained what DKA is and they put me on insulin

Erin T.
on 4/14/18 4:21 am
VSG on 01/17/17

I'm assuming you were diagnosed as a Type II diabetic before surgery? Were you on any meds? Did they take you off them? DKA in Type II is very rare, but surgery has a tendency to increase blood sugars, sometimes to an excessive level as the body releases different hormones during the healing process. If you were truly in DKA it's likely due to a combination of high blood sugars and dehydration.

There is no assurance that WLS will 'cure' your diabetes. In fact, even if it's in remission it can't ever be cured and it's likely that carb loading will still cause highs. I have MODY, which is a genetic form of diabetes that will never go away, but I've seen a significant improvement in my BS's and I'm not on any medications. That requires a low carb diet and exercise to maintain and that might be the case for you as well.

VSG: 1/17/17

5'7" HW: 283 SW: 229 CW: 135-140 GW: 145

Pre-op: 53 M1: 22 M2: 12 M3: 12 M4: 8 M5: 10 M6: 11 M7: 5 M8: 6 M9-M13: 15-ish

LBL/BL w/ Fat Transfer 1/29/18

on 4/14/18 4:25 am
VSG on 01/25/18

Yes I was diagnosed before I was on metformin 7 months before surgery my a1c was 14 before surgery my sugar was usually in the 300s

Erin T.
on 4/14/18 4:29 am
VSG on 01/17/17

Did they check your c-peptide levels and GAD enzymes? I've had many friends who were misdiagnosed Type II and were actually Type I. Those types of numbers are not unheard of with Type II but it's really uncommon to see them so shortly after diagnosis.

VSG: 1/17/17

5'7" HW: 283 SW: 229 CW: 135-140 GW: 145

Pre-op: 53 M1: 22 M2: 12 M3: 12 M4: 8 M5: 10 M6: 11 M7: 5 M8: 6 M9-M13: 15-ish

LBL/BL w/ Fat Transfer 1/29/18

on 4/14/18 4:59 am
VSG on 01/25/18

I should have explained this better. after the wls I went back to the same hospital because I was having an episode, and they told me I had DKA, and their endocrinologist told me that my type11 turned into type 1 for whatever reason, but she wasn't 100% sure because I needed more testing but the test so far came back positive. ( sorry idk what test she was referring to I was confused) when I went home the insulin she gave me didn't work, so I started to Experience the same symptoms. I went to a different hospital that was closer to my home and again I had DKA , they did tests and said I have type 11 their endocrinologist said the reason why I'm having DKA is because my A1C is way to high and shouldn't have been clear for surgery, until it was at least a 7 he put me on two different insulin's one is a sliding scale the other is Lantus. I don't use the sliding scale because my sugar has been under 100 even after I eat. I wasn't Sure if it's because my diabetes is getting better or because I eat very little (12 weeks post op) I did do a little experiment, I ate a small bowl of ice cream ( not the best idea Ik) and checked my sugar 20 mins later and it was 88 I'm just really confused two different doctors with two different answers my next Dr. appt isn't till next month on the 13th.

Erin T.
on 4/14/18 8:14 am
VSG on 01/17/17

If you have Type I you will take insulin for the rest of your life. It can not be cured and it can not be put into remission and insulin is life sustaining. You will literally die without it. You need to find out which type you have and you need to not mess around with eating food and not taking insulin. You can end up in DKA without high blood sugars, they are not mutually exclusive.

The type of insulin regime you're on is called MDI or multiple daily injections. The Lantus is a basal insulin that works to lower your 'resting' blood sugar (ie: the blood sugar you would have if you never ate anything at all). The sliding scale either correlates to the number of carbs your eating or what your blood sugar is before a meal (depending on how easy the endo wants to make it for you to begin with). That will cover the food you are eating. Lantus lasts for 24 hours (roughly, some find it's closer to 18 and they split their dose) so even if you didn't take any insulin with your ice cream experiment you still had insulin on board.

Is it an endocrinologist that you are seeing on the 13th?

VSG: 1/17/17

5'7" HW: 283 SW: 229 CW: 135-140 GW: 145

Pre-op: 53 M1: 22 M2: 12 M3: 12 M4: 8 M5: 10 M6: 11 M7: 5 M8: 6 M9-M13: 15-ish

LBL/BL w/ Fat Transfer 1/29/18

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