Good News/Bad News: NSV + Nausea

Pat D.
on 4/3/18 12:15 pm
VSG on 01/17/18

Wow, you reached your goal so quickly! Congratulations! My pace is slower, but everyone is a little different so I'm good with it, as long as the numbers are going down.

Question for you...if you use the protein shake in really hot coffee, does it get gummy & curdle? I tried with some protein powder, but when the coffee is too hot, the powder curdles. (They say don't use in liquids over 140 degrees. Sorry, but 140 degree coffee is just lukewarm to me!)

I'm having a little trouble still with acid foods like lemon, lime and vinegar but I am hopeful that will change in time. I've never been a big water fan, but found that Arizona Ice Tea makes a decaf & sugar-free (Splenda) tea (black label on front of jug) that I enjoy, so that's my go-to liquid along with Healthy Balance very-low sugar juices and decaf coffee.

And thanks for the tips!

Surgery 1/17/18 HW: 279 SW:261 CW:220 Goal: 150

"Nothing is impossible with God's grace.."

on 4/3/18 3:09 pm
VSG on 10/05/17

I use the liquid shakes (Premier Protein which has 30 grams in 11 ounces). There is something about the powder (I think its heavy whey that clumps) and I just don't like them.

Acidic foods are still up in the air (I'm 6 months out on Thursday). I had a pickled egg (I make them at home), and it was happy with me. I ate some salad dressing with vinegar, and it was not happy. I can drink lemonade Crystal Lite, and I can handle some lemon or lime squeezed onto baked salmon. But I can usually tell after the first little bite as to whether it should be swallowed or not!

I make decaf sugar free tea with Stevia, because I like Luzianne tea (I'm in the South).

Keep on what you're doing. I am astonished how quickly I hit goal -- now its just the "forever" part I'm working on!

HW: 240 lbs CW: 205 lbs: SW: 199 lbs GW: 130 lbs
1 MO = 167.0 2 MO = 156.4 3 MO = 148.4 4 MO = 140.6
5 MO = 136.0 6 MO = 130.0 (GOAL) 20 MO = 133
"At the evening of our life, we shall be judged by our love."

on 4/2/18 7:20 pm
VSG on 11/02/17

I haven't bought any clothes yet just using what I have at the moment and some items that was giving to me. I use to drink water and gulp in down but can't no more it hurts my chest. I always carry a bottle of water with me wherever I go. My nutrition told me doesn't matter how you get the water down just try and do 64 oz. You can drink decafe coffee decafe tea. I 've lose 70 lbs so far and have 60 more to go. But I'm 5 months post op. I'm glad I made the decision I feel so much better.

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