Health Snacks Ideas
my doctor thinks snack is a four letter word. But he does approve of five small meals per day. So if this works for you and stays within your calorie budget, small servings of protein are good. I like a steamed asparagus spear rolled up in a slice of deli turkey. tuna packets are pretty good to. 80 calories. DS
Hard boiled egg! Goes down really good and helps me meet my protein goals. Low-fat cottage cheese has 10 grams of protein in a serving (buy pre-packaged single servings to prevent from over eating). Jerky is a nice snack as well. Think protein protein protein! Good luck!
I usually count all my mini meals. I will split mine up unless I am having a huge hunger day then back to 3. I discovered Quest protein chips today from GNC. I counted that as my lunch. 22 protein 4 carb 130 calories. I would have been in love but too expensive for my lifestyle so a seldom thing for me. Their bars don't excite me, though.