Whatcha Eating Today VSGers? Monday, 2/5/2018

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 2/5/18 11:12 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

Good thing you are having that socket fixed! I'm catching up on some paperwork and calls today, then sitting by the pool for a while. Maybe we will try some bocce (there are lots of leagues here).

QOTD: Good one! It does make one think. I would do some more exercise I think and probably read more. I'd worry that I'd eat too much though with all that free time!

1 year, 10 months post-op

B: eggs, cottage cheese and Canadian bacon

L: Tuna salad, pickles and cottage cheese

D: Vegetarian chili

S: Halo top ice cream

Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 121

on 2/5/18 11:40 am
VSG on 06/26/17

Good Morning All

Glad you are getting your electrics fixed Gwen - dangerous stuff !

I have a hectic day. We collected my MG from my mums last night and brought it home. I have to drop it down the the tyre place at 8am and it should get its road worthy certificate so I can register it and transfer into my name. Exciting. It is hard to drive a manual with my finger but only a short distance. From there I will go into the office for the second last time - feeling very weird. This afternoon I have a follow up with the NUT - Im excited to see her reaction as she hasnt seen me since pre surgery. I have picked a figure hugging designer dress that cost a whole AUS $2 at the thift store.

QOTD: I would sort and de-clutter this house, sheds etc then start on planting out our orchard, veggie patches, trees etc at the farm. Highly likely I would end up working another job. Feel like a clown sometimes - more hours in the day then more I seem to have to fill them

B: Yoghurt & Grapes

S: Babybel Cheese x 2

L: Salad with Pork Chop

D: TBD - not sure yet - look at that shortly

Have a wonderful evening all


on 2/6/18 9:54 am
VSG on 03/15/15


Today is my very first time typing. im actually going into an appt but wanted to start a post to say hi to hold myslef accountable and get the ball rolling on getting back on track. my VSG was 3/15/2015 and havent done anything in over a year and want to re-enlist..haha

thank you

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