Whatcha Eating Today VSGers? Monday 1/22/18

on 1/22/18 8:13 am
VSG on 12/14/17

Good morning! Had a passive aggressive morning with myself. Do you ever just wake up and feel sort of...foul? I don't know. The irritating cough I developed yesterday isn't helping. I scared myself with "What if I have pneumonia thoughts?" all morning since I'm 6 weeks out from surgery, but since every other single person in my house is sick (and it's January), I feel that I may be freaking myself out a bit.

No fever or chills, but I'm still going to drop by the doctor after work anyway. My previous doctor had a sudden and terrible family emergency two weeks ago and had to move, so I've been moved to another one at the practice. My doctor has worked with me for years, but I'm trying to stay positive. As long as I'm mindful and have a decent practitioner, I'm sure my level of care will not suffer.

QOTD: Well. I think I have a bit of a talent with poetry and fiction, but I cannot carry a tune or play a musical instrument. I played the bassoon for two years in middle school, but I really wanted to be on the drumline, so I didn't take it seriously. The paint classes also help me turn out a somewhat decent painting, but I don't think that counts because otherwise it would be terrible!

B: Advant EDGE dark chocolate shake

L: Two hard-boiled eggs with salt

D: Tilapia or chicken with steamed squash

Snacks: Greek Yogurt, .65 oz Kay's protein chips (it was nice to have something crunchy yesterday when I ate the first half of the bag), babybel cheese

I haven't had time to plug it in yet, but I'm guessing about 660 calories, 25 carbs, 65 grams of protein

I'll check it later, of course.

Amanda 12/2016 HW: 393 11/2017 Consult: 378 12/2018 SW: 350

2/2018: 309 3/6/2018: Broke a barrier! 297 4/2018: 286 5/2018: 279

Pre-op: -28 M1: -25 M2: -16 M3: -12 M4: -11 M5: -7

Short-term Goal: 250 by August 15th!

on 1/22/18 12:09 pm - Jacksonville, FL
VSG on 09/29/17

If you are looking for crunch (I'm a crunch fiend), try parm crisps. They are made completely from cheese and most are almost sugar free, so the carbs are very minimal. I bought Kay's too, but most days my carbs are too high to enjoy them so the parm crisps work into my eating plan better.

on 1/22/18 12:55 pm
VSG on 12/14/17

Another friend mentioned those, as well. I'm going to check them out next time I'm at the store! Thanks!

I LOVE CRUNCHY stuff, lol, it's too bad crunchy things are hardly ever healthy. I'm trying to undo those bad habits (like wanting saltines with my chicken salad or soup) but it would be nice to have something I can have occasionally. I'm getting used to the softer foods though...I think eggs are literally my new favorite food. Don't get me wrong, I liked eggs before, but I rarely had them more than twice a week or so.

I understand what you mean about the carbs. I really love vegetables and Greek Yogurt, but the carbs do add up quickly. I try to make one meal a day carb-free to help with my counts. I think my surgeon's plan says to consume less than 75 grams of carbs during loss, but I typically stay under 40.

Amanda 12/2016 HW: 393 11/2017 Consult: 378 12/2018 SW: 350

2/2018: 309 3/6/2018: Broke a barrier! 297 4/2018: 286 5/2018: 279

Pre-op: -28 M1: -25 M2: -16 M3: -12 M4: -11 M5: -7

Short-term Goal: 250 by August 15th!

on 1/22/18 9:31 am

Hey all! Darned Patriots. Grrr. We are now a family of instant Eagles fans!

QOTD: I am a little artistic or at least I enjoy dabbling in artistic things. With a lot of effort I can draw, I'm taking an oil painting class right now, I knit, and flower arranging and decorating comes easily to me.

B - Starbucks sous vide egg bites, coffee w/ half and half

L - ??

D - pork tenderloin, asparagus

S - ??

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 1/22/18 9:37 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

LOL! Since my mother would be conflicted, I'm happy for you to support the Eagles while I cheer for the Patriots!

Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 121

on 1/22/18 12:10 pm - Jacksonville, FL
VSG on 09/29/17

So, I'm with you. I was crushed when the Jags lost. Boo hoo. So we watched the next game. And yep, we will be rooting for the Eagles. So I am in your corner. Go Eagles! LOL

Kristi T.
on 1/22/18 10:15 am - MT
VSG on 02/09/16

Good morning! I can't believe we are almost through with January either Erin, it went so fast. As I get older, the days are going faster.

QOTD-If cooking/baking was considered artistic, like Erin, I would rock it:-) I do write poetry and short stories, but that's about it for any artistic talent.

B-Plain greek yogurt w/raspberries and stevia

L-Hard boiled egg, string cheese

S-chai tea w/cream and stevia, 1/2 apple

D-Chopped Kale salad(bagged mix) with deli baked chicken breast on top.

E-Hike with Emmy

Have a safe and peaceful Monday.

on 1/22/18 11:33 am
VSG on 06/26/17

Good Morning All - Working from home today so that is much nicer. Had stitches out last night and they are very pleased with healing. In fact I had healed so well it made their removal a lil ouchie! But done now. I can finally shower without a bag on my hand - yay

QOTD: I like to potter with craft things when time permits. Used to teach Scrapbooking but havent touched it in years due to lack of time. One day.....

B: Poached Eggs - due to being home


D: Dinner out as meeting my best friend and her hubby to go see a muscial. Looking forward to that

Have a great day all


Jess Says Yes
on 1/22/18 5:57 pm
VSG on 10/24/17

Hi all. Today is almost over but I just got home from the prison so I'll post anyways

QOTD: I sang and did theatre in middle & high school, but I haven't done either since (unless you count torturing my kids by singing loudly in the car on a daily basis). I am not a good cook or baker and have no artistic skill, which is why I love to color!

B - Protein shake

L - Roast Beef

D - Salad with pecans and goat cheese

S - 1/2 protein shake


To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all. - Oscar Wilde

Age: 36 Height: 5'9" HW:326 GW:180

Pre-op:-32 M1-26 M2-11 M3-13 M4-10 M5-13 M6-8 M7-12 M8-7 M9-7 M10-0 M11-11

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