Whatcha Eating Today VSGers? Wednesday 1/17/18

on 1/18/18 2:24 pm
VSG on 01/02/18

That is a super cool idea! I might need to bug my friends into starting one with me. :)

VSG on 1/2/2018!

Age: 27 Height: 5'8"
HW: 354 (May 2017) SW: 319 (DOS, 1/2/2018) CW: 198 (1/22/2019)

My YouTube: Grace Gets Gastric

on 1/17/18 9:35 am
VSG on 11/28/17

Good Morning! My largest NSV at nearly 8 weeks out is having clothes in my closet that now fit. I am avoiding the expense of buying new, and the downer of wearing clothes that are too baggy. :)

M1 Coffee with 4 oz. PP

M2 1/2 cup chili with cheese and sour cream

M3 1.5 oz. pork chop

M4 2 oz chicken with veggies

E 11 minutes walking

on 1/17/18 9:59 am
VSG on 10/24/17

Congrats Erin and thank you so much for being so active on the boards and helping us newbies.

QOTD: Health has to be my biggest NSV. I am on diabetes medications, I am having no foot or leg pain, my energy and stamina has increased, and I am no longer drinking daily. There are new NSVs daily, but the health ones are the major ones. I felt so awful much of the time prior to the surgery. I was in denial about how my weight and lifestyle were effecting me and my family. I have a long way to go and I am just starting this journey, but I am so looking forward to all the upcoming NSVs.

B - coffee w/HH + Quest Protein bar

S1 - LF cheese stick

L - LO turkey chili (will be eating this all week I think)

S2 - Yogurt w/nuts

D - TBD as I may need a break from chili :)

W + V - on track

E - Lots of walking the next two days at work since we have a big event tomorrow we are getting ready for

Lap Band 09/17/2003 HW-276 SW-225 LW-167

Revision to VSG 10/24/17 HW-244 SW-217.8 CW-179.6

Pre-op:0~M1:17~M2: 6.6~M3: 7.8~M4: 6.7

Kristi T.
on 1/17/18 10:20 am - MT
VSG on 02/09/16

Good morning! Erin, I am so happy for you! Congratulations and happy Surgiversary! Your commitment to the whole process has been inspiring to me and to others.

QOTD-The biggest NSV's for me have been getting rid of my cane and the reduction in pain. I still have pain, but I no longer think of it as "chronic" pain. I have been able to reduce my pain medication by half and no longer depend on the cane to walk.

B-plain greek yogurt with SF pudding and pumpkin seeds

L-hard boiled egg and 2oz turkey breast

S-chai tea with cream & stevia, 1/2 sm apple if needed

D-something protein forward. I have Bunko tonight, there usually is a lot of protein and veggie choices.

E-short hike with Emmy at a state park about 15 miles away.

I hope everyone has a safe and peaceful Wednesday!

Jess Says Yes
on 1/17/18 10:36 am, edited 1/17/18 2:38 am
VSG on 10/24/17

Congrats Erin! Your journey and all the information and encouragement you provide on the boards are so motivating!

QOTD: I am starting to move through the world with a bit more ease. I fit. I didn?t realize just how dehumanizing it truly was to constantly worry that my size would exclude me from existing in certain spaces until I started to fit.

B - Coffee with PP vanilla

L shrimp with a teaspoon of pesto

D - baked chicken thighs and a few bites of zucchini

S - 1oz of cheese if needed

vites on track

e - yoga


To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all. - Oscar Wilde

Age: 36 Height: 5'9" HW:326 GW:180

Pre-op:-32 M1-26 M2-11 M3-13 M4-10 M5-13 M6-8 M7-12 M8-7 M9-7 M10-0 M11-11

on 1/17/18 11:19 am
VSG on 08/29/16

QOTD; My changing from a "blue collar" job while staying with my company. I wouldn't have pursued my current path if it weren't for my weight loss.

on 1/17/18 12:30 pm
VSG on 01/02/18

Congrats, again on your 1 year! That is so exciting. Is it totally surreal that a year has already passed? I can't even imagine being that far out! :)

QOTD: No big NSVs for me yet, though I have noticed that my jeans are a bit loose, and my sister said that my leather jacket looked really big on me, which was nice. :D

M1: Caramel Premier Protein + Coffee

M2: String Cheese w/ 1-2oz deli ham

M3: 2oz Cottage Cheese

M4: 2oz Cheesy Mashed Cauliflower

M5: 2oz Cream Cheese Ranch Chicken

So far everything I've tried has gone down really well, and I've been able to handle these amounts with no issues, as long as I go slow, take small bites, and chew the hell out of it.

VSG on 1/2/2018!

Age: 27 Height: 5'8"
HW: 354 (May 2017) SW: 319 (DOS, 1/2/2018) CW: 198 (1/22/2019)

My YouTube: Grace Gets Gastric

on 1/17/18 5:53 pm
VSG on 06/26/17

Finally making it back here - 6 days out from having a tumour removed from my finger. Its been quite a ride as he had to open the entire joint to get the inner part out and I have a pin holding it all together. Im thankful to say its not cancerous which is a huge relief! The pain is starting to go and I am functioning a lot better - will go back to work next week even though I have another week off from the Dr

CONGRATULATIONS Erin :) So proud of your achievements. You inspire people to reach for their dreams while watching you fulfil yours.

Picking up my "new" secondhand car tonight. My previous one was a write off due to hail damage. We found the cutest 2013 BMW Mini - only 33K on the clock - Cant wait - will post pics later

Food has been pretty good - better now I am out of full splint n into finger one

B: Chicken on half a piece of toast

L: Bacon n Potato Bake - leftovers

D: TBD - maybe fish?

Due to my body not tolerating the strong pain meds they gave me - I have not been able to eat much - lost nearly 3lbs in 2 days. Have changed meds and able to eat again. Just gone down another size so happy. 39 degrees here today so over 100 - so staying inside this afternoon and keeping cool till its time to pick up my car

Take care all


on 1/18/18 4:37 am
VSG on 10/23/17

12 weeks post-op....

B: 1 poached egg with 1 oz smoked salmon and 1 oz guac. YUM.

S: 1 oz pork jerky and a spoonful of Oikos triple zero

L: Chicken kabobs with 1.5 oz guac.

S: 1 oz. pork jerky and a spoonful of Oikos triple zero

D: Chicken kabobs again or chicken cordon bleu

E: Walking the pupper

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