Sleeve in Ontario

on 1/13/18 10:38 am

any idea if it's difficult to get VSG in Ontario. My pre-op is Wednesday and then it's meet the surgeon. When I met the internists he suggested VSG would possibly be preferred because of my age -66- and I'd really prefer VSG to RNY. Some Ontario posters in other forums have suggested RNY is the gold standard in Ontario and all they do.

on 1/13/18 11:54 am

I don't have any stats but I can share my experience. I had the sleeve done at Humber River Hospital in Toronto 3 months ago.

It is true that RNY is the gold standard. Surgeons have to justify the sleeve to OHIP in order for it to be covered.

Many, many patients have RNY in their 60s. I have seen patients in the waiting rooms and here on OH.

That being said, factors such as bone and muscle loss may be considered for "older" patients.

I had to go through a lot of hoops - I have multiple sclerosis and the medications I take won't work with the RNY. Future treatments could also be compromised by the bypass. Even so, my surgeon was quite unhappy about it and gave me a long speech about regain rates and how it's more

popular in the US because surgeons charge different fees, whereas here they're paid the same either procedure. I consulted with my neurologist, the bariatric pharmacist, then with the internist. Both wrote recommendations for the sleeve.

On my day of surgery, as I was being wheeled to the OR, the surgeon tried to talk me out of it. I had to remind him of the due diligence that went into the decision.

In the end he did a great job and I haven't had any complications.

Referral - 05/16, Orientation @ HRH - 19/08/16, Surgeon - 06/04/17, NUT/SW/RN - 26/6/17 VSG - 11/10/17 Pre-Op - 27 lbs M1: 22 lbs M2: 14 lbs M3: 11 lbs M4: 13 lbs M5: 9 lbs M6: 9 lbs M7: 7 lbs

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